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I opened my eyes once again to find myself from my previous life, locked in combat with a middle-aged man. The older man wasted no time attacking the boy, making it difficult for him by aiming at vital points with his sword. Initially, the boy struggled to keep up with the man's speed, but as the fight progressed, he adapted to his teacher's style and even countered with attacks of his own.

"Enough for tonight. I have a task for you, Noir," the older man said to the boy after they paused. "What are your orders, master?" replied the boy, Noir, calmly. "There's a rival clan that poses a threat to me," the older man spoke with a hint of hatred in his eyes, as if the matter stirred unpleasant memories. "What do you want us to do with them, sir?" the boy asked, concern evident on his face. "Kill them all, of course."

"K-kill them all? But, sir, there are children in this clan. What about them?" Noir stammered, attempting to dissuade the older man from his decision to kill all the clan members. "Kill them all, without hesitation," the man replied, coldly staring at Noir. "A-all of them, but they're innocent children, sir. They haven't done anything wrong," Noir stumbled, trying to sway the older man's resolve to kill all the children.

"That's weakness. Mercy for them is a mistake. What do you think what will happen when you kill their entire families? Do you believe they'll show you mercy? No, they'll kill you without hesitation for revenge. This is the mistake your father made—he didn't kill you, but instead left you and imprisoned your mother. Tell me, Noir, do you want to see your mother again, or do you want to remain hidden like a coward?" The man's voice took on a sinister tone, tempting the young boy to comply with his orders.

"I want to see her," Noir declared with unwavering determination in his eyes. "Then take away their families to see your own," the man commanded.

The world cracked and split like a mirror, revealing a new scene: Noir wearing a black mask that covered his entire face, standing amidst numerous corpses—both adults and children. "Please, spare me! I'll give you anything you want. Please, let me live," pleaded the surviving boy when he saw the masked devil that killed his entire clan.

Noir nodded, not wanting to kill him after he begged for his life. As soon as he turned his body, the newly saved boy let out a loud scream of hatred. "die!!!" This was what came out of the boy's mouth when he faced the masked man with a knife in his hand. The boy moved quickly, hoping to stab the masked man. Masked Noir merely tilted his envy slightly to dodge the knife coming towards him as his energy like -tar coated his sword. He swung his sword at the young boy's head and his sword cut the boy's head like a hot knife cuts butter. At this moment, the boy realized what his teacher was trying to convey to him. Mercy is weakness.


I opened my eyes once again in the familiar waiting room. I continued to stare at the ceiling, lost in thought about this recurring dream. Noir. It had been a long time since I used that name. Perhaps it was a sign to use it on this continent—to instill fear in the hearts of the Asuras who inhabited it or even those who observed from afar. Noir, a name fitting for my newfound abilities.

"Well, are we leaving here, or will you continue contemplating the name all day?" Regis's annoying voice interrupted my thoughts. "We'll leave once I fully acclimate to this body and have no trouble in combat," I replied, rising from my seat. "Very well, princess. We've been here for a week. How much longer do you want to stay?" Regis approached me, annoyance evident on his face. "I'll test this first, then we'll move," I said, closing my eyes and imagining shadows like tendrils touching every part of my body, merging into a black armor that enveloped me entirely except for my head.

"Wow, Princess, what you did there was remarkable. You deserve the title 'Princess of Darkness' because of it. Ahahaha!" Regis laughed heartily, but I remained unfazed. "Alright, thrill-seeker, what are your plans in this continent where no one knows us?" Regis asked, looking at me as if I'd killed his puppy. "I'll draw power from relictombs. As long as he said I won't be returned as long as I grow to a certain level, I won't leave until I've avenged Sylvia."

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