New Family

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Pov : Ash

In the following two weeks after my journey outside the tunnel, a new form of torture awaited me. I had little control over my body except for the ability to move my limbs, which quickly became exhausting. I reluctantly realized that children cannot fully control their fingers.

Despite the fatigue, I couldn't afford to slack off. I knew what lay ahead. I understood the cruelty of war, and if I wanted to protect my newfound family, whom I had grown to love a little during these weeks, I couldn't afford any laziness.

I closed my eyes and imagined the inner part of my body, seeing shards of pure mana scattered within. I tried to absorb them into my heart. Though portrayed as easy in the novel, it was difficult. Nonetheless, it wouldn't take long for my black heart or white depending on its current color—to awaken. Arthur took two years; judging by what I see now, it might take me just one. Maybe because of my current small body or perhaps my second wish. Although I doubt it.

My current focus was interrupted by my little brother's crying. I saw our mother trying to soothe him from the scratch on his leg caused by our foolish father. I saw the green light emanating from her, indicating that she was an Emitter. As soon as the green light touched my little brother's leg, it healed, and he quickly stopped crying, though his shocked expression served as a reward for my hard work over the past weeks.

We were accustomed to our mother taking us on her trips to shop abroad, and although I did not always go like Arthur, I went occasionally. The thing I could not get used to was people carrying weapons as if they were luxury designer bags. I saw a man about 170 cm tall carrying a giant war axe bigger than himself! Anyway, our mother continued talking to us, perhaps trying to make us learn the language faster, while shopping for groceries today, exchanging compliments with different people passing or working in the cabins. Meanwhile, my body turned against me again, and I fell asleep...Damn it on the useless baby body.

We sat in our mother's lap, who was cuddling us in her arms; we focused attentively on our father, who was currently reading a hymn that seemed like a prayer on earth, for about a minute. Arthur leaned closer and closer, almost falling from his human seat as he anticipated some magical phenomenon, such as an earthquake splitting the earth or a rising stone golem. After what seemed an eternity, three boulders the size of the earth emerged and struck a nearby tree.

Arthur raised his arms in frustration, but our foolish father interpreted them as wow. I couldn't help but shake my head after hearing my father speak, "Isn't your father cool?"

No, my father was a much better fighter. When he wore his iron gloves, I felt like I had to drop my underwear (or diapers) for him. With fast, decisive movements surprising for his build, his grip carried enough force to break the sound barrier, yet smooth enough not to leave an opening. In my world, no one might has this strength, but for me, my father is an idiot.

What I learned, this world seemed somewhat clear that it is full of magic and warriors; where strength and wealth decided one's rank in society. In this sense, it wasn't very different from my old world, except for the lack of technology.

Currency in this new world seemed very clear from the exchanges my mother made with traders.

Copper was the lowest form of currency, followed by silver, then gold. While I hadn't seen anything costing even a gold coin so far, ordinary families seemed able to get by with two copper coins a day.

100 copper = 1 silver

100 silver = 1 gold

Every day involved sharpening my new body and mastering the motor skills deep within me.

This comfortable system soon changed.

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