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Pov : Arthur

I was a king. I could assemble my army at my feet, kneeling with a piece of finger. I surpassed competitors from different countries and my own people to settle disputes and maintain my position. In terms of dueling and controlling Ki, I was unmatched, because personal strength was essential to becoming a ruler in my former world on Earth. Kings weren't born; they were raised. However, I couldn't imagine a more brutal moment in my life than now.

I can crawl, baby!

Until now, I've had to benefit from the stories my mother told me in an attempt to make me sleep. The noise of complaints when I stopped too early. My father sometimes held me and my brother in his lap while he calmly talked to us about his old days, which gave me some hints about what kind of world this was and what it was full of.

Reynolds Lewin, the former adventurer, has a lot of experience in this field. He was part of many parties that went on treasure hunts and fulfilled missions they received from the Adventurers' Guild. He settled down eventually when he met my mother on the border of the kingdom in a city called Valden. He proudly told me how my mother fell head over heels when she first visited the Adventurers' Guild hall in the city where she was working at the time, but I suspected it was quite the opposite from how he slapped my mother across the back of the head and told him to stop lying to me.

My name is Arthur Lewin now, and my brother is Asher Lewin, by the way. The short art, which, as a former king, looked very nice, but wait, after taking a look at myself in the metal sheet they used as a mirror in the bathroom, it looked very good. I got my mother's glowing hair while my eyes were bright, inherited from my father. My brother and I were identical twins, which made me a little frustrated, but I don't know how our facial features will show up as we mature, but as long as we're not completely identical and I don't get fat, it'll be okay.

Beware of ladies in the future! Prepare to be broken!

After weeks of trying to crawl, but only achieving an uncoordinated fight, I finally succeeded; so I managed to sneak into the family library/study while my mother hung up the laundry to dry. She destroyed me on the day I started to become mobile, sighed, "I swear, it will be tough managing your father."

I closed the encyclopedia and put myself more comfortably on the ground ... basically just put on my belly because crawling and sitting upright were very tiring.

Reflecting on what I just read, this world seemed very backward. From what I can gather, there doesn't seem to be much technological advancement. The only means of transportation seem to be carts driven by horses, varying in size for land use, and sailboats for rivers.

Weapons were freely allowed and not really regulated unless visiting the royal family or those in power. For God's sake, I'm still puzzled every time I see people carrying weapons while shopping for groceries.

Certainly, in my former world, Earth, there were soldiers and guards carrying concealed weapons; however, they weren't for killing purposes but to deter crimes.

Here, though, I saw a thief steal two things from the armory that day, being cut in the back by a big bald mercenary wielding an arm. Moreover, passersby went so far as to applaud this large-sized monk as the thief died there.

The similarity shared by this world and my former world was the system of ownership. The continent of Dicathen was kingdoms, each ruled by a king and his royal family. Unlike Earth, the king was chosen based on lineage; the title passed from the king's son to his son and so on.

After scanning the encyclopedia, there doesn't seem to be much information about other continents besides the one we are currently in. I found this somewhat odd considering there are ships transporting goods and passengers across the continent via rivers. I just assumed perhaps ship technology hadn't been developed enough to sail across oceans.

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