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POV: Reynolds Lewin

My children!

I was so happy. Not only we have one son, but twins. I wonder when the children can start training? When did I start training again? Man, I can't wait to teach my children everything about magic! I hope they turn into augmenters like their old pops. I might know the basics of conjuring, but I can't do anything practical with it except use it as a form of mental exercise.

Alice, on the other hand, is one of the most talented people I've ever seen. Even as a emitter, she's exceptional. Back then, after she agreed to date me, she joined my party, and we went on quests together. Her healing powers were amazing in themselves, but what impressed me the most was when she used an area of effect spell, which healed all allies inside. Talk about one of a kind! And I'm her husband!

Heh... I still don't get tired of saying that.

Back in the old days before we had to settle down, we would go to the Beast Glades and hunt mana beasts. Mana beasts are numerous animals and unique creatures that are born with the ability to absorb mana into their bodies and create their own mana core, which we call beast cores.

Beast cores have an unlimited amount of uses, making them very valuable and highly sought after. Of course, the higher the grade of the beast cores, the more valuable they were. Mana beasts were ranked anywhere from an E-class beast, to your S-class beast. I can't tell you much about those, simply because I haven't seen or heard of one, but supposedly, they exist.

As a general rule, you should always assume that mana beasts are stronger than humans of the same class. Simply because, even if we took mana out of the equation, the beast's physical body was much stronger than a regular human's body.

While the Beast Glades were dangerous, as long as you were cautious and didn't get lost, it was pretty easy to stay out of trouble. Stronger beasts tended to be deeper in the underground dungeon-like caves or closer to the core of the glades. The first few dozen kilometers around the perimeter of the Beast Glades were pretty well mapped out, and as long as you were at least a C-class adventurer, you'd be fine.

Occasionally, there would be missions posted that required a party of adventurers. These were usually attempts to clear and map out the harder dungeons that weren't fully explored. If a mana beast had the ability to create its own lair and have other mana beasts serve it, you could bet there were treasures to be gained.

I tell my son Art and Ash everything about this life, telling them about this and much more so I can convince...I least push them to gain some experience as an adventurer when they grows up.

I don't know what I would do if little Art or Ash never woke up. Oh my, it doesn't matter how long it takes, as long as he can train to become any kind of mage, I'll be a proud and happy father.

It's very easy to tell what kind of mage someone will be when they awaken, because when augmenters, conjurers, and deviants form a transparent barrier, the mana behaves differently around them during that period.

When augmenters first awaken, they form a sort of repelling force around the barrier, indicating that they have dominant mana channels in their bodies. On the other hand, conjurers form a vacuum of mana around them, meaning their mana veins are more dominant. Of course, the degrees of repelling force and vacuum strength depend on their talents in either class.

Not to brag, but when I first awakened, at the age of twelve, by the way, I was sleeping and the repelling force made me levitate for a good few minutes! Enough force to lift a human body?

If it weren't for that time...I'm sure we wouldn't have settled down this quickly.

Anyway, once they awakens, I'll train them. If they ends up becoming a conjurer, I guess I can get them a tutor from the main city since Alice and I aren't proficient enough to teach them...

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