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"Are you sure this is a good idea? Should you have killed them all?" spoke the strange purple wolf as it rummaged through the shelves. "Certainly. Whatever ancient artifact is here will aid me in seeking revenge. It will also help us with the identity problem." replied the nine-year-old boy. He wore black armor like shadow, with a mysterious violet glow. Upon closer inspection, the armor resembled reptilian scales. Black twisted horns adorned his head like a crown, and his long snow-white hair cascaded to his mid-back, some strands falling over his crimson eyes like blood.

"We weren't supposed to cause this much commotion. We're drawing attention now," the wolf retorted with evident sarcasm. "attention? I'm not done yet," the white-haired boy retorted without bothering to look at the wolf. "Did you hear that?" This time, he turned to face the wolf. "Did you hear what? The sound of the torture agrona performed on you? I heard it so well it was like a symphony in my ears." the wolf mocked as it continued searching. "No, you idiot! It's more like cracking an egg. the egg!"

The boy's shadow twitched briefly, as if the seemingly impossible were about to happen. A hand emerged from the shadow, delivering an egg. "The sound comes from here," the boy said, lifting the egg from the dark hand. "Will this egg finally hatch? At last, I'll have a niece. I'll teach her everything I know." The wolf approached eagerly. "Niece? Who said you could get close to my daughter in the first place? You're forbidden from approaching her. You're like the drunken uncle to her." The boy scoffed.

The wolf seemed ready to argue further, but its protest was cut short by the egg shattering completely, revealing a silver-scaled dragonette. It had small black-pawed limbs and two tiny horns protruding from its head and two small bumps protrude from its back. "Kyuu!" That was all the little dragon uttered, yet it was enough to give both of them a heart attack. "s—so adorable," the boy stammered, clutching his chest from the onslaught of cuteness. The wolf remained sprawled on its back, seemingly foaming at the mouth.

The boy embraced the tiny dragon fiercely, unwilling to let it go. The dragonette wriggled out of his arms and suddenly perched on his forearm. "What is this?" the boy asked, looking at the spot where the dragonette had bitten him. There, a complex dragon design appeared, intricate enough to impress even the finest artists. "Mama," a cute voice echoed in the boy's mind.

"Mama? I'm a boy; you should call me Dad. Oh my, am I a father at the age of 9?" The boy's face reflected astonishment. "You can call me Uncle Regis," the wolf replied, glancing at the tiny dragon. "Don't call him Uncle. Just call him Regis the Little Dog," the boy retorted, mocking the wolf with a disdainful look. "rude princess, I am Regis the Majestic Wolf," the wolf continued, pride evident on its lupine features, before adding, "This little one just hatched. What will you feed her?" 'Food! Hungry!' the dragonette communicated directly into the boy's mind, its eyes shining brightly.

"Regis, fetch the horns from these Fritras for her to eat," the boy instructed after hearing the wolf's question. "Fritras would faint if they knew you were using your precious wraiths like this," the wolf scoffed, heading toward the scattered bodies. It broke off their horns and handed them to the dragonette, who eyed them with a gleam in her eyes before pouncing on the feast with great delight.

"Well, this method of searching won't be fruitful. Regis, gather all the artifacts into my shadow. And take little Lilith with you," the boy commanded, walking toward the fallen bodies. "Little Lilith? You named her after a demon from hell?" the wolf exclaimed disapprovingly, eyeing the boy. "Certainly! A devilish name befitting a devil's daughter," the boy proudly declared, his gaze fixed on the wolf as he enveloped the mysterious dragon mark with aether to conceal it. "Whatever. Come, little girl, your father is crazy right now," the wolf said, taking the dragonette that was currently feasting. It also grabbed the horns and artifacts, placing them within the boy's shadow, before leaping in as well.

"Arise," the boy uttered, commanding the lifeless forms. The impossible happened—the shadows coalesced around the corpses, forming reanimated shapes. They were black with a mysterious ethereal violet glow. "Enter my shadow, now." the boy ordered, conjuring a sword of dark energy like tar. "Don't tell me you're going to blow up the place," the wolf grumbled. Ignoring the wolf, the boy raised his shadow-forged sword high. The black energy exploded like fireworks before descending to the ground, causing a powerful blast.

"I swear, someday you'll kill us, you bastard!" Regis shouted in exasperation. 


POV : Ash

"Is that boy over there our target?" Regis spoke, uncertain. "Yes, his name is Marcus, from the high-bloodline under cadell's command," I replied, my eyes gleaming with hatred. "I see why you chose him, but that's not the only reason, right?" Regis asked, waiting for my answer. "That's correct. He won't live with his family for the next five years," I said, keeping a close eye on the boy. "Why?" Regis inquired.

"He's an illegitimate child," I answered matter-of-factly. "Ah, I see, the poor boy,are you sur about your plan" Regis feigned sympathy upon hearing my words. "Don't worry; we'll easily replace him using the artifact we found in cadell's vault before he transferred it to agrona. No one will suspect us," I continued, still observing the boy.

"So, what are we waiting for? Put on this shape-shifting ring, kill him, and take his place. Let's go and see some beauties," Regis said, a lascivious look on his face. "Let's go, you horny dog," I replied, setting off, leaving Regis grumbling behind me about being a majestic wolf, not a horny dog.

I waited until the boy retired from the guards, sitting alone in a secluded spot deep in the forest, away from his parents and the sentinels. Swiftly, I followed him, using god step. Silently, I wove a thread of mana, then twisted it around his neck until it snapped, ending his life. I stripped him of his clothes and donned them before anyone could see me. Using the ring, I assumed his appearance. "See? It's done so easily," I boasted, looking at Regis emerging from the trees.

"Yes,  princess, go quickly, before anyone notices your disappearance," Regis said, glancing at me while suppressing a laugh, making me wonder if he knew something I didn't. With an aether flame, I incinerated the body until nothing remained even not ashes. "Young master, are you all right?" I heard one of the guards ask, looking at me.

"Yes, I'm just a little sad about leaving," I nodded, feigning sorrow, and the guard looked at me with pity. "Young master, the gate is ready," he informed me. I nodded again and followed the guard toward the gate. Then I noticed a middle-aged man watching me for a moment before speaking. "Are you okay?" he asked, coolly, unsure whether he was concerned or relieved about my departure.

"Yes, Father, I just feel a bit nostalgic about the place. Don't worry; I'll be fine," I replied. The man nodded slightly and continued, "Don't worry; the people you're going to meet are family friends. Our high-blood won't be embarrassed there." I nodded again, and the man went on, "The individuals you'll be meeting are under the leadership of Seris the Scythe. They have a daughter around your age. Try to form friendships with her or even consider marriage in the future to maximize the benefits for our blood." I froze for a moment before looking at the man and asking, "Who is this high-bloodline?" My voice trembled slightly with fear of his response. "High-Blood Denoir" the man said confidently, shattering all my assumptions like a hammer. But that's good; there's Seris there, perhaps she'll be an ally for us. I thought to myself, trying to lift my spirits before the guard interrupted.

"masters, the gate is ready," the guard informed me. I nodded and followed him toward the gate. As I stepped through, I felt violent twists, but they didn't affect me. The scene unfolded me before , revealing four people. Two adults and two children—one around my age, and the other slightly older. But what truly captured my attention was the little girl, about my age, with dark blue hair and crimson eyes. Not the same shade of blood as mine; hers resembled the finest sapphires. Her fair skin, sharp, upturned nose, and small rosy lips left me feeling slightly embarrassed when our eyes met.

"Young master Marcus, please inform us if you encounter any difficulties in your daily life. Your father and I are close friends. Rose Flattery, young master, to his your room," said the middle-aged man among the four. "Certainly, sir. Don't worry," was all I managed to think. I struggled to understand the meaning behind his words and his disdainful glances, but nothing clicked. He and the father of the deceased i use were friends of convenience. My thoughts halted when I heard Regis speaking in my mind. "It's because the deceased didn't possess his own runic letters." Regis concluded with hearty laughter, leaving me with only one word echoing in my mind: "Damn."

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