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(Four months after the egg hatches.)

POV :Ash

"Did you really think we didn't raise any suspicions?" i asked Regis, uncertain, as the palace's treatment toward us had changed over the past few days. "Believe me, Princess, I don't think you've raised any suspicions in these four months. I must admit, you're a good actor. isn't that True, little Lilith?" Regis said. "True, Uncle Regis," Lilith replied with extreme cuteness. "You two have become closer. I'm very worried about Lilith because of you, Regis."

"Don't worry, Princess. Lilith and I make a good team, right, little girl?" Regis said confidently. "True, Uncle Regis," Lilith responded. Hearing Lilith's reply, I imagined Regis raising his head proudly to the sky in the shadow world. When Lilith spoke, I wanted to engage in some banter with Regis and Lilith, but my words were cut off by a knock on the door. "Come in." That was all I said before the door opened, and Caera entered. I became instantly flustered because I hadn't spoken to anyone here in the palace outside of official contexts. I hadn't formed any friendships with her to visit my room.

"Miss Caera, how can I help you?" I spoke after recovering from my small confusion. "Young Master Marcus, please. Scythe Seris Vritra wants to speak with you," caera said, her expression remaining unchanged. "With me? Why? I don't even know her," I said, taken aback. "I informed her about the new resident in the palace, and she wants to see you to ensure you don't pose a threat to us," Kaira said, her face still rigid.

"A threat? I haven't even received my runes yet." I replied, my expression stern but somewhat dangerous. If Kaira had keen senses, she would detect a hint of kill intent in my words. "Please, young master, don't make things difficult. These are all orders from Scythe Seris, and I am obligated to carry them out," Caera said. "sure, Miss Kaira. Lead the way." After speaking, I rose and followed her, feeling as though we were entering an eternal realm far away from people, almost like a sanctuary.

When we entered the sanctuary, I saw a woman with silver hair flowing like a waterfall. She had long black horns and eyes of the same color, eyes that seemed like abysses absorbing all light. "Scythe Seris, did you request to see me?" I asked, unsure of the reason for her invitation.

"Please, have a seat, Marcus." After I sat down, along with Caera, Seris continued her conversation. "I'm curious. When Kaira told me about the new boy living with her in the same palace, she also mentioned a strange feeling she gets from him. Does this boy seem familiar to you, Marcus?" Seris asked, her expression unyielding.

"What do you mean by a strange feeling?" I inquired, wondering if Kaira thought I was being pervert. "Don't worry, Scythe Seris. I don't think of your student Caera in any inappropriate way. So, no need to worry. And Miss Kaira, I apologize if my words hurt you. You're truly beautiful, but you're not my preferred type," I said, shaking my head emphatically to deny any interest in either Caera. Since the beginning of the meeting, I noticed their expressions changing. Seris seemed amused, and I glimpsed what appeared to be a ghost of a smile on her rosy lips. caera, on the other hand, looked slightly angry.

"You're quite funny, aren't you? Is it because you genuinely don't know, or are you just foolishly lying?" Seris said, the smile vanishing from her face. "Scythe Seris, I honestly don't know what you mean. Please, be clearer," I replied, feeling a bit flustered. "Hmm. Fair enough. As you see, Marcus—or whatever your real name is—I have a unique artifact that can alter appearances and evoke the same feelings you're experiencing now. So, tell me who you are and what your goal is," Seris said lightly, raising her own teacup before taking a sip and then placing it down, her gaze fixed on me. "Ah, you mean the artifact that Caera conceals her horns with," I responded. As soon as I uttered those words, Seris drew a black sword from her storage loop and brandished it, clearly intending to sever my neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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