The darkness of the past

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So during the beginning of the story, I had made some mistakes. Arthur has a mana core.

Also for further clarification. The stages of growth of the black heart are the opposite of the of mana core.

The black heart starts from the white stage, then the silver, then the yellow, and so on.

Also, the beginning of each color is light, then solid, then dark.

i hope i make it easier for you, But if I don't, feel free to write a comment and I will explain it completely to you.


Struggling to keep my eyes open as I fell, I couldn't fight the darkness consuming me. All I could do was surrender my fate to the air. The weight pressed on every inch of my small, four-years-old body. The enchantment that had befallen my brother and me. it left me unsure if any bones were broken, but pain radiated throughout.

I closed my eyes, seeking rest as my body demanded, but immediately felt that gentle mana once more. This time, it wasn't just a sensation; it clung to me, attempting to slow my fall. Yet, I knew it wouldn't be enough to stop me. In that moment, I remembered my brother—Arthur! Where was he? I turned, but there was nothing in my sight.

I recalled my current predicament: falling from a cliff. Without hesitation, I tapped into the newly unlocked gravity manipulation within my black-hearted mana. Though I wasn't skilled at it, the mana consumption was high. But what good was mana if I didn't survive?

Using my newfound ability, I felt my descent slow immediately. Simultaneously, the gentle warmth of mana left my body, leaving me slightly bereft. No time for contemplation—I felt the impact as my body hit the ground.

Not enough force to cause serious injury, but certainly enough for bruises. I closed my eyes as soon as I sensed my body settle on the ground, allowing the darkness to envelop me.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw familiar structures—the remnants of my past life. Most importantly, my clan's building. The red-stained floor, walls splattered with blood, and limbs scattered in various sizes. Some heads rolled across the floor.

And there, standing amidst the blood-soaked scene, was the reason. The one responsible for this massacre, his clan's blood staining him. Why did he do it? No. Why did we?

All I managed to utter was a single word: "Why?" Instantly, regret washed over me as I saw him look at me with eyes as sharp as swords. His handsome face, blood-smeared, revealed his fierce temperament—a handsome devil risen from hell.

"Why?" he echoed, as if surprised by my question. "Ahahaha! What a splendid question you've asked. Yet, you know why i killed them. No. You know better than anyone why you killed them—because you are me."

As those words left his mouth, my vision shifted. He became me, and I became him. I turned my gaze to the demon inhabiting my small body while I was in his.

"This is your new vessel in the new world," he said, laughter still echoing. "The one that stirred mercy in your heart. Ahahaha! Living in this world made you weak, and you forgot who we are. Who you are."

I expected more laughter, but he looked at me with intense interest. "I am not your enemy. I'm here to remind you of who you are—a merciless killer. who will slay anyone in your path to achieve your goals. Remember what happened every time you showed mercy to undeserving souls."

His words triggered hazy memories since arriving in this world. I remembered who I was—or rather, what I was! Before he could speak again, I acted. The sword in my hand found his heart, piercing him. He smiled at me, blood spilling from his mouth.

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