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POV : Ash

I felt myself drowning in the surrounding darkness. It consumed me to the point where I couldn't see my own fingers. I felt no pain, no sensation—just emptiness around me. I tried to speak, tried to breathe, but nothing.

I left my body floating in the darkness, consuming my thoughts, consuming my entire being. Then, finally, I felt it. Pain surged throughout my body. It was like thousands of ants crawling beneath my skin. The pain brought a strange comfort to me, not in a masochistic way, but as proof to my mind that I hadn't died and that pain was evidence of that.

I sensed the cold surface against my face, but I didn't mind. I opened my eyes to find myself staring at the empty floor. I attempted to move my body, but it resisted—I felt as though I wore impossibly heavy weights. For now, all I could manage was to flip my body so that I lay on my back instead of my stomach. Ignoring the pain I'd felt, I turned my head to observe the scene around me. All I saw was a room, seemingly a waiting room, but stained with blood in some corners and some walls, the blood having dried over ages without being cleaned.

"You've finally awakened." I turned my head quickly in shock upon hearing the unfamiliar voice. My initial thought was that I'd been kidnapped. But when I saw the speaker, I was utterly taken aback. It appeared to be a wolf or a large dog It is an unusual purple color, and flames dance across its mane, and horns on its head reminiscent me of Sylvia's. Yes, Sylvia—Arthur!! where is them?

"Firstly, I am a majestic wolf, a conscious weapon, not a mere large dog. Secondly, your brother is in the Elshire Forest, not here, and you know what happened to the dragon." The wolf spoke, leaving me to process this new information. "Where is 'here,' and who are you?" The words escaped my throat as if I hadn't spoken in decades. "Ahahaha! You must listen to your voice—it sounds like that of a girl going through puberty." The wolf laughed heartily, mocking my tone. I didn't respond, merely staring at it coolly. "mhm. We're in Relictombs on the continent of Alacria." My eyes widened in shock. Alacria—what are we doing here? I was supposed to be with Arthur in the Elshire Forest, rescuing Tissia. What do I do here in Alacrya?

"Alright, stop your internal monologue; it's giving me a headache. You passed through the gate with your brother, but it brought you here because of the entity that reincarnated you and summoned me to this world." Of course, the bastard was the one who brought me here. I ignored the fact that the wolf could hear my thoughts and focused on a more pressing issue: how would I return to my mother, my father, and Arthur? "Don't worry, princess. He said you'll return when he sees that you've grown sufficiently on this continent. He left a message with me—do you want me to read it to you?" I nodded in response to clarify my intent.

"Alright, he said that he managed to bring you here through Sylvia's gate. To complete the task he assigned you, you need to venture into Relictombs, gain enough strength, and And look at the cup half full, you will be able to protect your father from death in the war due to the power you'll acquire here. Don't worry about the egg; it will hatch alongside its sibling, and he took care of that. And during this time, so you don't feel lonely, he gifted you the majestic conscious weapon, Regis." Regis concluded with immense pride, lifting his nose to the ceiling to emphasize his current arrogance.

R-Regis, damn it, didn't he find anyone else to accompany me besides him?? "rude!" Regis said dismissively, as if he didn't know why I was thinking that. "Oh, as he said, he fulfilled the rest of your wishes." Upon hearing his words, I wanted to get up immediately, but my body did not help me in this matter, as I felt the piercing pain again. But I did not care about him and immediately raised my body to sit down.

"Where are they?" The dry words escaped my throat. Instantly, I regretted it when I saw Regis laughing uproariously. "Don't worry, princess; they're right beside you—the horns and the egg." I turned my head to see the massive black horns and the egg wrapped in Sylvia's feather. As soon as I laid eyes on the horns, memories of my time with Sylvia flooded back. Tears welled up in my eyes, and a few escaped, accompanied by small sobs from my throat.

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