chapter thirty-third

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Ashton's pov

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Ashton's pov

Macieó is one of the most gorgeous places in the world. The sun, the waves, the atmosphere, the women and the food.

Oh my god the food.

I spent the first 48 hours so jet lagged that all I ate was hotel food and even that sent me into beautiful food coma places. I definitely gained like 5 pounds because I didn't leave my bed.

I went out and clubbed the next couple nights-too many times with a few too many drinks. The fact that I could freely dance with nobody tying me down, was incredibly intimidating and exciting.

I even thought about flirting with some of the Brazilian women, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

I seemed to be stuck on a certain French woman who I couldn't get off my mind.

Luckily, I made a friend during my fourth night there after a male flirter who was a little too aggressive. We both made sure that we never went anywhere without one of us by each others side after that.

We spent an absurd amount of time together, just showing up to pick each other up and we'd go do the next big thing.

They even helped me get through my jet lag with an edible so strong I think I met some angels in the form of exotic dancers.

Not that I was complaining.

It felt nice to do things on my own. I've never been alone before on a international trip, so having the freedom to make spur of the moment decisions was liberating.

I went snorkeling, hiking, sailing, and even danced on a pole at one point. Though I only have glimpses of the aforementioned activity, there are apparently videos I have yet to see.

I kept my phone off or on airplane mode to avoid talking to anyone, including Joliè. Not for her lack of texts and FaceTime calls though.

I just wanted to be fully disconnected from my life. I needed peace, just once in my life. Between exes and twins and a mother who was finally not dying, I just needed to be so still.

I'm not going to lie though, the second Joliè and I departed, I started to panic and overthink everything. There's just no way in hell that I met this beautiful foreigner who understands my baggage of a failed relationship, a twin brother with no manners and my mental illnesses with complete understanding.

I know that we bonded over text for two weeks and basically spent twenty-four hours together, while also admitting how much we enjoyed each other's company, but I just can't see how I could ever be what she actually wants long-term.

I'm not the type to just hookup, that's a young man's game. I have too many feelings for that business. Back to my point though.

Joliè's a fashion mogul who's apart of a renowned family worldwide and is starting a major fashion line the world. Something I know absolutely nothing about.

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