3: The Restless Noble

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Hyunjin sat in the elegant parlor, his expression carefully neutral as he faced yet another prospective bride. The room was richly decorated, with silk cushions and intricate wooden carving adorning the walls, but despite the opulence, Hyunjin felt a growing sense of boredom. His mother, Lady Hwang, had arranged this meeting with high hopes, but Hyunjin already resigned himself to the tedium of the occasion.

Across from him sat the young lady, her cheeks flushed with nervousness, her eyes darting around the room before settling on Hyunjin. She wore a beautifully embroidered hanbok, a testament to her noble lineage. Lady Hwang and the young lady's mother watched expectantly from the side, their eyes keen for any sign of connection.

"Do you enjoy poetry, Hyunjin-nim?" the young lady asked softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Hyunjin nodded politely, offering a faint smile. "Yes, it's... quite pleasant."

Silence stretched between them, the young lady fidgeting with the sleeve of her hanbok. Hyunjin could sense her discomfort but felt no inclination to alleviate it. He answered her questions with the bare minimum of effort, his responses short and devoid of enthusiasm.

"Do you have a favorite poet?" she ventured, attempting to keep the conversation alive.

"Not particularly," Hyunjin replied, his eyes difting to the window where he could see the bustling streets of Hanseong beyond. He longed to be out there, away from the stifling formality of this meeting.

The minutes dragged on, punctuated by occasional attempts at conversation that quickly dwindled into awkward silence (A/N: iykyk lol). When the time finally came for the meeting to end, Hyunjin rose from his seat, bowing politely to the young lady and her mother.

"Thank you for your time," he said, his tone courteous but distant.

As soon as he was free from the parlor, Hyunjin made his way to the stables, eager to escape the confines of his family's estate. Mounting his horse, he rode through the bustling streets of Hanseong, heading toward the markets and pubs where he could lose himself in the lively crowds.

The marketplace was a hive of activity, filled with merchants hawking their wares, children darting between stalls, and the enticing aroma of street food wafting through the air. Hyunjin dismounted, leading his horse through the throng as he made his way to his favorite haunts.

At one of the busy pubs, he found a familiar group of friends, their faces lighting up as he approached. "Hyunjin-ah! Over here!"one of them called, waving him over.

Hyunjin joined them, quickly ordering a round of drinks. The atmosphere in the pub was jovial, the air filled with laughter and the clinking of cups. Hyunjin relished the freedom, the chance to shed the restraints of his noble status and indulge in his playful nature.

He chatted amiably with the gi-saeng (기생; women from lower classes trained to become professional artists/entertainers), his charm and flirtatious manner earning him giggles and coy glances. "You must tell me where you got such a lovely bi-neyo (비녀; hairpin/hair decoration)," he said to one, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "It suits you perfectly."

"Oh, Hyunjin-nim, you're too kind!" she replied, blushing.

Moving from one conversation to the next, Hyunjin reveled in the attention, his spirits lifting with each playful exchange. This was where he felt most at ease, surrounded by laughter and free from the expectations that weighed on him at home.

As the evening wore on, Hyunjin continued to flirt and jest, his charm never waning. Yet, beneath the surface, a part of him remained restless, searching for something more meaningful than these fleeing interactions.

For now, though, he pushed those thoughts aside, immersing himself in the revelry. Tomorrow would bring another day, another round of duties and expectations, but tonight he was free to be the carefree noble, enjoying the simple pleasures of life. 

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