11: A Bold Visit

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Hyunjin stood outside Lady Hwa-yeong's estate, a bunch of wildflowers in hand, his heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. He watched Yeon-mi lovingly from over the dam-jang (담장:estate wall), as she tiptoed to hang the wet laundry on the ppal-let-jul(빨랫줄: clothesline). The sight of her, bathed in the soft morning light, filled him with a warmth he had longed to feel for days.

He took a deep breath and stepped closer to the gate, his resolve solidifying with each step. He was determined to see Yeon-mi, to spend time with her openly, without the shadows of secrecy that had cloaked their meetings thus far.

Lady Hwa-yeong, glancing out of her window, was surprised to see Hyunjin standing there but didn't hesitate to let him inside before anyone else could see him. She gestured for a servant to open the gate and greeted Hyunjin with a kind smile.

"Lord Hyunjin, what brings you here so early?" she asked, though she already had a good idea.

Hyunjin bowed respectfully. "Lady Hwa-yeong, I hope you can forgive my intrusion. I brought these for Yeon-mi." He held out the wildflowers, their vibrant colors a stark contrast to his anxious expression.

Lady Hwa-yeong's eyes softened. "I see. Come in quickly, before anyone notices."

Once inside, Hyunjin found Yeon-mi still at the clothesline. She turned at the sound of approaching footsteps and froze, her eyes widening in surprise and delight when she saw Hyunjin.

"Lord Hyunjin!" she exclaimed, a smile spreading across her face.

Hyunjin smiled back, holding out the flowers. "These are for you, Yeon-mi. I couldn't wait any longer to see you."

Yeon-mi accepted the flowers, her cheeks flushing with happiness. "Thank you, my lord. They're beautiful."

Lady Hwa-yeong, observing the tender exchange, nodded approvingly. "You may spend some time together here, but be mindful of the hour. It wouldn't do for others to see you."

Hyunjin and Yeon-mi spent the morning in a secluded corner of Lady Hwa-yeong's garden, talking and enjoying each other's company. They strolled along the garden path, Hyunjin recounting stories from his childhood, and Yeon-mi sharing snippets of her own life. The garden was a world away from their respective troubles, a sanctuary where they could be themselves.

At one point, Hyunjin gently took Yeon-mi's hand, leading her to a bench beneath a blossoming tree. "I've missed you so much," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "Every moment apart feels like an eternity."

Yeon-mi looked down, her heart racing. "I've missed you too, Lord Hyunjin. But... I'm afraid. Afraid of what might happen if we are discovered."

Hyunjin's grip on her hand tightened. "I won't let anything happen to you, Yeon-mi. I promise."

As the morning sun climbed higher, casting dappled shadows across the garden, Lady Hwa-yeong discreetly checked on them from time to time, ensuring their privacy was maintained. She saw the genuine affection between them and couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the young couple caught between love and societal expectations.

However, word of Hyunjin's visit soon reached Lady Hwang's ears, and she flew into a rage. Confronting Hyunjin as soon as he returned home, she demanded an explanation, her voice shaking with anger.

"Hyunjin, how dare you defy me and visit that servant girl again! Do you have any idea what this could do to our family's reputation?"

This time, Hyunjin did not quietly nod or answer mindlessly. He stood his ground, his expression firm. "Mother, I cannot ignore my feelings for Yeon-mi. She means the world to me, and I won't give up on her."

Lady Hwang's face turned red with fury. "You foolish boy! You will ruin us all with this infatuation!"

Before the argument could escalate further, Hyunjin's father intervened, his calm demeanor a stark contrast to the storm brewing in the room.

"Enough," he said, placing a hand on Lady Hwang's shoulder. "Let us speak calmly."

Hyunjin's father turned to him with a measured gaze. "Hyunjin, your mother and I are concerned for you and for our family's standing. These emotions you feel... they are intense now, but you must consider the long term."

Hyunjin shook his head, his voice unwavering. "Father, this is not a mere infatuation. My feelings for Yeon-mi are genuine and deep. I cannot turn my back on them."

Lady Hwang, her anger slowly giving way to despair, looked to her husband for support. He sighed heavily, sensing the depth of his son's conviction.

"Perhaps," he said slowly, "we should give him time. Emotions can be fleeting, and perhaps Hyunjin will come to see reason on his own."

Lady Hwang's eyes flashed with frustration, but she remained silent, her mind clearly working through the implications of her husband's words.

Hyunjin's father nodded, looking back at his son. "For now, Hyunjin, you must be discreet. Do not bring further scandal upon us. We will revisit this matter in due time."

Hyunjin bowed his head slightly in acknowledgment, though his resolve did not waver. He had made his decision, and no amount of persuasion would turn him from his path.

As he left the room, his thoughts were already returning to Yeon-mi, and the wildflowers he had given her. He would find a way to be with her, no matter the cost. The path ahead would be fraught with challenges, but his love for Yeon-mi gave him the strength to face whatever lay ahead.

Later that evening, Hyunjin sat at his desk, the soft glow of a lantern illuminating his thoughtful expression. He pulled out a fresh sheet of parchment and began to write another letter to Yeon-mi, his heart poured into every word.

My Dearest Yeon-mi,

Today, seeing you and spending time with you was more precious than words can express. Each moment with you reaffirms my decision to fight for our love. I have resolved to pursue you openly, despite the risks. I will find a way for us to be together, no matter the obstacles.

Please be patient with me and trust in our love. We will find a way.

Yours always, Hyunjin

As Hyunjin sealed the letter, he felt a sense of calm determination. The journey ahead would not be easy, but he was prepared to face whatever challenges lay in wait. His love for Yeon-mi was worth any sacrifice, and he was ready to defy his family's expectations to be with her.

Meanwhile, Yeon-mi, back at Lady Hwa-yeong's estate, cherished the memory of their time together. She knew the road ahead would be difficult, but the strength of Hyunjin's love gave her hope and courage.

In the days that followed, they continued to exchange letters in secret, their words a lifeline that kept their love alive and strong. And as Hyunjin's resolve grew, so did his determination to carve out a future where they could be together, free from the constraints of societal expectations.

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