5: The Noble's Dilemma and the Servant's Dream

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Hyunjin tossed and turned in his bedding, his thoughts consumed by the image of the graceful servant girl he had seen at the market. Sleep eluded him, and as dawn approached he rose from his bed, his mind still restless. The early morning light filtered through the windows, casting a soft glow over his room as he prepared for another day of obligations.

At breakfast, Lady Hwang eyed him with a mix of hope and suspicion. "We have another meeting today, Hyunjin. The Park family is highly esteemed, and their daughter is well-mannered. Please make an effort."

Hyunjin nodded, but his thoughts were elsewhere. The matchmaking meetings had become a chore, each one blending into the next with little distinguish them. His mind kept drifting back to the market, to the serene figure of Yeon-mi who had captured his attention so completely.

In the parlor, he sat across from yet another young lady, her cheeks flushed with nervousness. Hyunjin answered her questions politely but without enthusiasm, his responses short and devoid of genuine interest. His mother watched from the side, her frustration growing with each passing minute of his disinterest.

After the meeting, Lady Hwang confronted him. "Hyunjin, what is wrong with you? You are barely making an effort! The Park family is a perfect match for our family, and yet you seem completely uninterested."

"I'm sorry, Mother," Hyunjin replied, trying to muster some sincerity. "I'm just not feeling well today."

Lady Hwang sighed, shaking her head. "This cannot continue, Hyunjin. You must take these meetings seriously."

As Hyunjin left the estate, his mind was already turning to the market. He rode through the bustling streets of Hanseong, his eyes scanning the crowd in the hope of catching a glimpse of the servant girl who had so captivated him.

Meanwhile, at Lady Hwa-yeong's estate, Yeon-mi was busy with her daily duties. But the outing to the market had stirred something within her – a longing for more. She found herself daydreaming about life beyond her duties, imagining what it might be like to pursue her own interest and aspirations. Despite her wandering thoughts, she continued to serve Lady Hwa-yeong with dedication and care.

Lady Hwa-yeong ever perceptive, noticed the change in Yeon-mi. One afternoon, she called Yeon-mi to her side. "Yeon-mi, you seem different lately. Is something on your mind?"

Yeon-mi hesitated, then smiled softly. "I was just thinking about the market, my lady. It as so lively and full of life."

Lady Hwa-yeong nodded thoughtfully. "You work so hard, Yeon-mi. Perhaps I should allow you more opportunities to go into the city. A little time outside the estate might do you good."

Yeon-mi's eyes lit up with gratitude. "Thank you, my lady. That would mean great deal to me."

With Lady Hwa-yeong's permission, Yeon-mi began to take on tasks that took her outside the estate more often. She relished the small moments of freedom, her heart lifted by the bustling energy of the market and the people she encountered.

As the days passed, Hyunjin's determination to find Yeon-mi grew. He visited the market every day, his eyes constantly searching for her amidst the crowd. His friends noticed his unusual behavior and teased him, but he brushed off their jibes, driven by an unexplainable curiosity.

One afternoon, as Yeon-mi ran an errand for Lady Hwa-yeong, she and Hyunjin crossed paths once more. She was selecting some fresh produce from a stall when she felt a gaze on her. Looking up, she met Hyunjin's eyes, and for a moment, the world seemed to stop.

Hyunjin approached her, his heart pounding. "Hello," he said, his voice softer than usual. "Do you remember me? We saw each other at the market the other day."

Yeon-mi bowed politely, then nodded, a blush creeping up to her cheeks. "Yes, I remember. How can I help you, sir?"

Hyunjin smiled, a warmth in his eyes that was different from his usual flirtatious demeanor. "I just wanted to say hello. My name is Hyunjin. And you are?"

"Yeon-mi," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Yeon-mi," Hyunjin said, genuinely. "Do you come to the market often?"

"Only when my lady sends me on errands, sir." Yeon-mi answered, still shy but curious about the young nobleman who seemed so interested in her.

Hyunjin continued to converse with her, his manner gentle and respectful. He found himself wanting to know more about her, intrigued by her quiet grace and the kindness in her eyes. For the first time in a long while, he felt a genuine connection, one that went beyond the superficial charm he usually displayed.

As they parted ways, Hyunjin's thoughts were consumed by Yeon-mi, a new determination forming within him. He would find a way to see her again, to learn more about the girl who had so unexpectedly captured his heart.

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