14: The Aftermath

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The news of Hyunjin's severe injury reached his family with the impact of a thunderclap. Lady Hwang nearly fainted, clutching her chest, while Lord Hwang stood motionless, his face ashen with worry. The household was thrown into disarray, servants rushing to attend to their distraught masters.

In the days that followed, the Hwang estate was shrouded in a tense, oppressive silence. Lady Hwang's once sharp commands were reduced to soft murmurs of prayer, her stern demeanor replaced by a constant, underlying anxiety. Lord Hwang, usually a figure of stoic strength, now paced the halls restlessly, his thoughts consumed by his son's fate.

Hyunjin's absence had created a voic that neither parent knew how to fill. Lady Hwang spent her days in the shrine room, offering fervent prayers for her son's safe return. She refused to eat or sleep properly, her health beginning to decline. Lord Hwang, thought more composed, was equally distraught. He found himself haunted by memories of Hyunjin's childhood, the carefree days that now seemed so distant.

Months passes, and the war with China ended in a hard-won victory for Joseon. The capital was a scene of mixed emotions as soldiers returned home. The streets were filled with families, their faces a tapestry of grief and joy. Some were inconsolable, mourning their lost loved ones, while others wept tears of relief and happiness, embracing the soldiers who had made it back.

Yeon-mi and Lady Hwa-yeong stood among the crowd, their eyes scanning the returning soldiers. Yeon-mi's heart pounded in her chest, her eyes wide with hope and fear. As each wave of soldiers passed, her anxiety grew. She clutched the folds of her hanbok tightly, her breath catching in her throat.

But Hyunjin was nowhere to be seen.

Lady Hwa-yeong placed a gentle hand on Yeon-mi's shoulder. "Yeon-mi, don't lose hope. I've received word that Lord Hyunjin has been take to the hospital. He is alive, but he needs time to recover."

Yeon-mi's knees nearly buckled with relief and exhaustion. Her heart was heavy with worry, but the knowledge that Hyunjin was alive gave her strength. Lady Hwa-yeong arranged for a tram to take them to the hospital.

The hospital was a somber place, filled with the wounded and dying. The air was thick with the scent of medicinal herbs and the quiet murmur of healers attending to their patients. Lady Hwa-yeong led Yeon-mi though the corridors until they reached a private room where Hyunjin lay unconscious.

Yeon-mi's breath caught in her throat as she saw him. Hyunjin looked pale and fragile, a stark contrast to the vibrant, playful man she had fallen in love with. His injuries were severe, and he was covered in bandages, but he was breathing. He was alive.

Lady Hwa-yeong gave Yeon-mi a moment of privacy, leaving the room silently. Yeon-mi approached Hyunjin's bedside, her heart aching with a mixture of relief, sadness, and overwhelming love. She gently took his hand in hers, caressing it softly.

"Hyunjin," she whispered, her voice trembling. "You're alive. You're here."

Tears welled up in her eyes, spilling over and rolling down her cheeks. She leaned over, her forehead resting against his hand, her body shaking with silent sobs. She was overwhelmed by the intensity of her emotions, the sheer relief of seeing him alive and the deep sorrow at his condition.

She gently hugged, Hyunjin's still form, her amrs encircling him with care. "Please, come back to me," she whispered through her tears. "I need you to wake up. I need you to be alright."

Time seemed to stand still as she held him, her tears soaking into the sheets. Despite the sorrow, there was a sense of profound gratitude. Hyunjin had returned to her, and for that she was endlessly thankful.

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