Chapter 10

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Hey guys I am sooooooo sorry for the long wait. To make it up to you guys I am doing a double upload. Anyway hope you like. Please vote and comment.  


Chapter 10

Waking to the alarm, I realize its Monday. Great. I jump into the shower, put a little eye liner on and do up my tie. Sophie spent ages teaching me how to do it last night when I got back.

I walk to the lunch hall to get some breakfast. I get an egg and bacon sandwich, I make my way to where Sophie, Nathan and Louisa sit.

“Hey guys.” I say while I take my seat.

Everyone says hi back, and then Sophie and Louisa continue on with what sounds like an argument about who is more amazing, Johnny Depp or Orlando Bloom, I agree with Sophie that Johnny Depp is definitely the best, I mean who can be as sexy as him at his age? Not many people.  

“How was your weekend?” Nathan asks, cutting through my thoughts about Johnny Depp’s sexiness.  

I smile. “You should know you were there for most of it.”  

He smiles back “thank you again for including me.”

I sober up immediately. “You don’t need to thank me, you are an awesome person, and I like hanging out with you.”

He blushes in return.

I don’t understand why no one talks to Nathan, sure he’s shy, but a lot of girls love shy guys, he is definitely okay on the looks side, fit body, warm eyes, the whole boy next door package.

I finish my sandwich and get up to leave, as my class is on the other side of school.

I’m halfway there when I turn around to face the girls that have been following me from the cafeteria, and confront what looks like the leader.  

“Why are you following me?” I turn around to the blond bimbo, who is so orange she looks like a carrot. I bet she could see in the dark really well. Her blue eyes are rimmed with crappy eyeliner, and her lashes are as fake as her bleached blond hair, along with the rest of her. I am looking at the typical bitch of the school. Great. 

She is shocked that I noticed her stalking habits but recovers quickly and gives me an evil glare.

“So I could teach you a lesson about trying to take my boyfriend, bitch.” Her followers snicker at that. They are all caked in so much makeup I can smell it from where I stand. I am a good few feet away.  

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, and who are you?”

“Cut the crap, I saw you get off Christian’s bike the other night.”

“Wow, your Christians girlfriend, I didn’t know Christian went for fake, obsessive bitches, but then again he is an ass...”

“Shut up, and stay away from Christian, he’s mine.” 

“You can have him. You can also get out my face. I’m amazed Christian is even with a crazy bitch like you. Oh and sweetie you might want to work on your threatening voice that dumb bitch voice just doesn’t cut it. I think people are gonna be more scared of getting a migraine from the high pitched whiney sound coming out your mouth than anything else.”

Shaking my head I walk away.

Before I am completely out of sight and sound, she calls back, “You better watch your back you whore!”

“Oh I’m shivering.” I shout back.

Once I turn the corner. I let out a shaky breath. Christian had a girlfriend?

Of course he does.  Really Iris did you expect a guy like Christian to be single? What’s with you anyway you don’t even like him. My subconscious argues with me. No I don’t like him.  I think he is a decent guy but to go out with a bitch like her he must be the ass hole I always thought he was.

“You have a lot of explaining to do,” I hiss at Christian while we’re in History.

He looks at me “What?”

“I’ll tell you later, meet me in the woods after school.”

He looks at me funny but eventually nods and goes back to his work.

Walking into the woods, I spot Christian leaning on a tree.

“What did you want to talk to me about?” He asks.

 “Finally realized how amazing I am and can’t live without me.” He said giving me his usual smirk and adding on a wink.

I roll my eyes. “You wish” I said. “No, I wanted to talk about your bitch.”

“I thought you called them my sheep.”

“No, the other bitch, she and her little group came up to me today, accusing me of trying to steal her man and then threatened me. Sound like anyone you know?”

He sighed. “Mackenzie.”

My heart feels like it’s been stabbed, I almost wish that Mackenzie had been lying. Why am I feeling like this?

“I’m sorry Iris. She was way out of line.”

“Whatever just keep her on a leash. Why would you date a girl like her?”

“What did she say to you?”

So he was dodging the question.

“Something like, stay away from you and me having to watch my back. Crazy bitch.”

“Where did she get the idea that you were trying to steal me from her?”

“She saw me get off your bike last night.”

“Oh... I’m sorry Iris.”

I don’t know why but that sorry didn’t sound like it was for Mackenzie’s behaviour it’s almost like he is sorry for going out with her. No it can’t be that, well maybe, I mean who would want to go out with that. Shiver.

“It doesn’t matter. She isn’t worth anything to me. Look I have homework and other stuff to do, so I gotta go.”

I have never felt like this before, there is an ache in my heart, what was it?

On the way back I decide to stop in and see if the post has arrived. I walk up to the desk.

“Oh hello Iris there is a letter for you.” The receptionist, whose name I have learnt is Martha, tells me.

“Oh and a new batch of school uniforms have come in, as you were only given one set when you first came, here is the second.” She says handing me an identical uniform to the one I have now along with the letter.

Getting into the dorm, I lay the letter on my desk and put the uniform in my cupboard. I decide it is a good idea to do my homework to get my mind off of things.

I must have dosed off because I woke hearing the front door open and Sophie came barging in.

“Tell me what the bitch said to you.” She demanded.

Sighing, I told her the whole story.

“That bitch. I mean I knew she was off the rails, but that’s a whole new level.”

“Not really dogs are possessive of what they have, same goes for girls like her, it’s why we call them bitches. If she wants to start a fight with me let her, she won’t win.”   

“She doesn’t even realize what a dangerous enemy she’s made.” Sophie smiles, making me smile back.

We stay up talking until way past curfew. When we finally fall asleep and I find my dreams are haunted by Christians face, his green eyes, and black hair. I dreamt of when we rode the motor bike. Then Mackenzie’s face appears and I wake up. It was a good dream turned to a nightmare. She is going to be a pain in my ass. 

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