Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The school bell went off, signalling the end of school. I walked out of bio. Thank God it was over, I was getting pretty sick of all the looks and introductions.

I was walking back to my dorm room (well that’s what I thought) and was just about to enter the hallway, when I was stopped by what looked to be a dorm monitor (yeah they have them). “And where do you think you’re going.” He said (I don’t know why they would have a male dorm monitor for female dorms).

“Umm, to my room,” I answered.

“I don’t think you are.”

“What do you mean, I don’t think you are? Of course I am, look there are the dorms right there.”

He bit down on his lip, trying to suppress a smile (not working). “These are the boy’s dorms” He was trying hard not to laugh.

Oh that explains a lot, I could feel mt cheeks heat up. We just stood there, him trying not to laugh (failing) me completely devastated and probably looking like a tomato. 

I was saved from further embarrassment by none other than Sophie, who came waltzing out of the door leading to the dorms hallway.

“Oh hey sweetie, what are you doing here?” She said in a sing song voice.

“She got lost.” The ever unhelpful, monitor explained. He then seemed to come to his senses. “Hey what are you doing here?” He turned to Sophie.

“Okay sweetie, time to go.” She grabbed my hand and we ran. We stopped once we got outside. Both breathing heavy and laughing like idiots.

“So what were you doing in the boys dorms anyway?”  I asked.

“Went to see my boyfriend, and while I was there, give my brother a piece of my mind. I heard what he said to you this morning, so rude.”

“That Jackass this morning, is your brother?”

“Yep, I’m sorry for his rude behaviour. I heard you put him in his place though. Not many people have the courage to stick up to Christian. He holds the rep of the schools bad boy, so people seem to just take his shit.”

“Well, its okay because I don’t put up with anyone’s shit, no matter how ‘badass’ they are.”

“Thank you. My friends are usually driven away, because of how scared they are of him. I’m glad you won’t be.”

I smiled “Never.”

We walked back to our dorm (the female one). When we reached the door there was a note saying that my things had arrived, and that they were already in the room.

Opening the door I saw that, by in the room, they meant dumped in the middle of the floor and left for whomever to clean up. Sighing I got changed into my faded jeans and a black t-shirt then got to work.

It took me an hour and a half to get everything where it should be. When I was finished I collapsed on the bed. “Ah so much work, I might die.” I shouted out

Sophie laughed. She was no help throughout the whole thing, she just watched. Some great friend she turned out to be.

It was midnight and I still couldn’t sleep. Different time zones where a bitch. After half an hour of lying in bed feeling very awake I couldn’t take it anymore. Getting up I put on some jeans and a hoodie as it was freezing outside.  

I decided to walk to the woods behind the school. Sneaking past the dorm monitor (she was female this time), I managed to get outside, from there it was an easy walk to the woods.

I spent the next half hour meandering through the darkness of the wood, guided only by moonlight.

I could hear the owls hooting like they were talking to each other. I sat there imagining if my dad was doing something like this, right at this moment, somewhere in the world, or if he was thinking of me.

My peaceful moment was ruined by none other than Christian Reed. He is walking towards me, with a beer in hand, totally drunk.

“Look who it is, come to join the party?” he slurred. His friends laughed along with him, they were nothing more than pathetic sheep trying to be badass. They never will be no matter how hard they try.

“More like crash the party, but I don’t find you worth my time to even try.”I say coolly.    

His jaw hardened as he walked closer to me. “You’re not frightened of me?”

“Not one bit.” My reply was calm, which just infuriated him  because it showed that I was not scared or intimidated by him.

“Well you should be.” With that he turns and walks away.

One of his followers comes up to me, getting up in my face, the pungent smell of alcohol is thick on his breath as he says “I don’t mind if you crash my party babe.”

Disgusted I push him away from me, hard, straight into the back of the retreating Christian, throwing them both of balance and tumbling to the ground.  

During the fall, the beer in Christians hand becomes airborne and lands right on sheep number two’s head. With beer running down his face and into his eyes, it’s not long before he is running round holding his eyes screaming “the bitch, the fucking bitch, ah my fucking eyes.”

Laughing at how pathetic the whole thing is, I turn to walk away not once looking back.

I walked back to my room embracing the dark.

Ever since was young I have loved the dark, where most children feared it. I could never understand that, it was so peaceful and there was always the thrill of not knowing what was out there. I guess I was a lot like my dad in that sense.

I was now back in the dorm room, I put my pyjamas on and slipped into bed. This time I fell asleep instantly.

The next day at school was better. I had one of my favourite classes, P.E, but it was my luck that Christian appeared. Ignoring his glares, I listened to what the teacher was saying.  

“Now class, you probably already know Iris, are new student from America, so I won’t go on about her, no offence Iris” he smiled at me.

 “Today we will be learning about self defence, no we will not be fighting each other today. We will be doing that tomorrow. Today we will be watching videos and I will show you some of the blocks you will use tomorrow.”

He went on, but I already knew self defence. I was taught when I was five. I started to zone out. I zoned back in when I heard Mr Crawford voice say my name.

 “Since Iris has listened ‘so much’ today she will be fighting Christian tomorrow, and I’ll warn you Iris you better have listened hard to this lesson if you want to beat the champion.” He said with an evil smirk, showing me that he knew I wasn’t listening and that he would be voting for Christian.

I seriously doubt that Christian can beat me, but the fact that I have already made an enemy out of my teacher was not a good thing.

If Christian was as good as he says then this is going to be one interesting fight.


Here's chapter 4. hope you like it. Please vote and comment, I would love to know your oppinions on the story so far. 

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