Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

It was dinner time. Everyone was gathered in the dining hall, and we were not allowed to leave until the bell rang to dismiss us. I wasn’t fussed, as I was so hungry I could eat a horse (not an actual horse. I wouldn’t live with myself if I ate one, the image makes me shiver, anyway going off track here).

 Standing In line I was trying not to voice my impatience. The line was moving so slowly, and I was about to inhale my food, I was that hungry.

 Despite what I’ve heard from students from other schools (that the meals are not the nicest) this was not bad food, but this is coming from the girl who lives of two minuet noodles or pizza because her dad can’t be stuffed to cook.  

I was completely stuffed when the bell rang, I almost wobbled back to my dorm    (I didn’t though. I walked like a normal person). I was just about to open my door when Sophie walked out of the room.

 “Oh hey babe, I was just down at the office they told me to tell you that a letter has arrived for you.”

“Great, well I’m going to head down there now, I’ll see you later.” I almost ran down to the office, but I managed to control myself.

Stepping up to the desk I asked if there was letter for me (just to be sure) and there was.  She handed me the letter, it had the official seal of the CIA stamped on it.

I quickly opened it up and read the contents.


Hey Kiddo,

Long time no talk, what’s it been like three, four days already. Time seems to be nonexistent when I’m on a mission.

 I miss you kiddo, always thinking about you. How was your very first day at school? I want to know everything, so you better make time to spend your whole day writing or you will have a very upset dad, just kidding kiddo (see what I did there). I still want to know everything though, don’t think your gonna get out of it that fast.

I know you want to know more about the mission, but you already know that is classified information. All I can tell you is that I’m still alive (obviously) and safe and when this is over do you want to get Chinese takeaway? I’m really in the mood for the one down the street from our house.

Anyway I must be going now, you better write fast.

Love you, miss you.



Reading the letter, made me miss my dad even more, I didn’t know how much I had missed him since then.

Walking back to my dorm slowly, I reread the letter over and over again, tears forming in my eyes. The fact that I won’t see him till Christmas, maybe not even then was finally sinking in. The fear also that I may never see him again.

I quietly enter my dorm room. Sophie was out, most likely with her boyfriend. I place the letter in the top drawer of my desk, and crawl into bed. It’s only twelve months, less now. It’ll all be fine Iris. With that I fell asleep.   

Waking up an hour before the bell, I get up and have a shower then apply a little eyeliner and foundation before getting into the damn school uniform. Still not mastering the tie, I decide to wait for Sophie to get up, finding it the perfect opportunity to write my dad back.


Hey Dad,

I know, three or four days is so much, I was about to call the agency to tell them you were MIA, if it wasn’t for you telling me it might take you a month. Seriously dad I think your writing skills have improved if you can write in four days.

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