Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

The week went by so fast. No Mackenzie, no drama, but I did get the letter from my dad. I was pretty normal, he asked how I was? How I was doing in the school? What happened in the fight? I told him everything that had happened from my first week at school, no secrets, and yes I burnt it after.

It was Friday and Aunt Julia had to cancel on me going to her house for the weekend as her work sent her to Scotland. Once again I was left at school. I wasn’t alone this time though. Christian and Sophie were with me.

Saturday morning Sophie got me up extra early. I got changed into shorts and a plain black t-shirt.  She told me to wear things I could get dirty.

I was then led outside to a Jeep Wrangler.

“Sophie, is this your car?” I asked shocked.

“Yep, like it?”

“Um, love it. I didn’t even know you had a car.”

“Psh, this isn’t a car, this is my baby.”

“Damn right there, have you named it.”

“Who do you think I am? Of course I have, meet Lola.

Getting in I see that Louisa and Nathan in the back.

“Hey guys, have any idea where we’re going?”

Louisa smiles at me “We do but we have been sworn to secrecy, sorry Iris.”

 “It’s ok I’ll find out soon enough.”

I see Sophie outside talking to a boy, she then motions for me to come to her, I get out and make my way over.

“Okay so I know I am a terrible friend but I will make it up to you now. This is my boyfriend, Liam. Now I know you should have met him by now and I’m sorry about that.”

“It’s okay Soph. Nice to meet you Liam.”

“Nice to meet you too Iris, I’ve heard a lot about you.”

Laughing I replied, “Like what?”

“That you nearly had my man Christians’ ass, in that fight.”

“You and Christian are friends?”

“More like best friends, I’ve known the guy for years.”

I didn’t know what to say to that, how had I not met him until then?

Sophie notices my struggle and saves my ass.

“Ok so Liam I’ll see you there?”

He smiled “you know it babe.”

He gives her a quick peck and gets into a BMW Z4 in almost navy blue. Wow is everyone here rich?  

We walk back to the car together.

“I can’t believe I have never met him before. How could I have not? He’s your boyfriend and Christians best friend,” I say voicing my thoughts.

“He has been pretty busy this week, we’ve barely seen him.”

“Okay, well he seems cool.”

The drive was an hour and a half and with every minute I am more curious and impatient.

I am so relieved when we reach our destination. It is a paintball arena. YES!

Everyone piles out of the cars and climbing out of Liam’s BMW was Christian in all his glory.

We are given overalls, masks, paintball pellets along with the paintball guns (which by the way are heavier than they look). 

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