Chapter 7

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Hey guys. So this one is Just Iris's POV, I decided to write more about Nathan because I felt that he was being left out. But heres chapter 7. please vote and/or comment. 


Chapter 7

Iris’ POV

A week had passed and everyone had gone home for the weekend. As Aunt Julia had things to do this weekend I was stuck here, all alone.

Walking along the grounds, I spot Nathan walking back towards school. “Nathan!” I shout to get his attention. He looks over, and I start doing over the top come here signs with my hands. He starts walking towards me and I quickly cover the distance. “Hey, what are you doing here?” I ask.

“My parents are busy for the weekend, so I’m stuck here.” He shrugs. He was being unusually confident, which was a change from his usual shy demeanour.   

“Yes!” I scream suddenly, Shocking Nathan, “Well not about your parents being busy and you being stuck here, BUT DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?” I say as I grab his shoulders.

“What?” He asks cautiously.

“It means, MOVIE NIGHT!” I shout out, a massive grin forming on my lips. I couldn’t help thinking that I looked like a crazy lady at this moment. Holding on to a boys shoulder with a massive smile on my face, yep can’t be a good look. I let go, but keep the smile.

Rubbing the back of his neck and blushing he replies, “um, no one has ever asked me to have a movie night before.” He says shyly.

My smile instantly dropped. “What about your parents?”

“Always too busy, and my parents aren’t exactly the family bonding type.”

“Oh,” I said. What type of parents has this boy got to not bond with the family? It must suck.

“Well we will have an awesome night.” I state with more determination to make his night fun. After making arrangements I leave.

On weekends there aren’t many students around so we can eat in our dorm rooms and get food from wherever. So of course I would order pizza and since I don’t have a mode of transport, it helps that they deliver.

Soon the pizza arrives. I give the delivery man the money and shoo him away to leave me with my pizza, mmm pizza.  

There was another knock at the door just as I placed the pizza and Pepsi, which I got with it, on the table. I open the door to find Nathan standing there looking at his shoes.

“Hey Nathan, come in.”

Flopping down on the couch, I see his nervousness as he sits awkwardly on the opposite end.

“There’s pizza and Pepsi,” I say as I point to the table in front of me.

“Okay, rules are you pick a movie, I pick a movie, and we’ll see how tired we are at the end of them. The movies are over there,” I say. I have to break down his walls, he doesn’t let anyone in, and it’s not good.  

He picks the first movie,’ Sweeny Todd’ and I pick the next, ‘Tangled’, Whoop, whoop.

The pizza was gone very fast. As I was starving I think Nathan only got a couple of slices.

‘Sweeney Todd’ was awesome, very blood thirsty. But soon we were on to my choice, ‘Tangled’. I loved this movie.

My favourite part was coming up when they let all the lanterns go for the princesses’ birthday, and my favourite song came on. I started to sing along.  

“And at last I see the light

And it's like the fog has lifted
And at last I see the light
And it's like the sky is new
And it's warm and real and bright
And the world has somehow shifted
All at once everything looks different
Now that I see you”

I didn’t realize, I was getting louder until I heard a clearing of voices then muffled chuckles. Not just one but sounded like three. I shot up and turned round to see Sophie and Christian hands over their mouths, trying not to laugh, and failing.

“You know” Christian drawled “your singing is, *cough* interesting.”

At that everyone burst out laughing.

“Screw you guys,” I scowled.

“Awe babe,” Sophie started. “You weren’t that bad, it was just… different.”

A few more chuckles followed that statement, making me blush.

“What are you guys doing back anyway, I thought you were away for the weekend?”I said changing the subject from my bad singing.

“Change of plan, we are going away next weekend.” Sophie answered.

“So what are you doing here Nathan?” Sophie asked.

He looked down a blush forming on his Cheeks, “um, Iris invited me.”

“We were both, bored and had nowhere to be so. We decided to have a movie night.” I said, as Nathan put the spotlight back on me, Thanks Nathan.

“Oh cool,” Christian said while sitting down between me and Nathan, making himself at home. “I like tangled the horse is my favorite. Oh and I get next pick.”

“Ha ha funny story, I get next pick, I’m the best friend.” Sophie cut in. “I choose 10 things I hate about you with Heath ledger, damn that boy was sexaay!”  

I love you baby
And if it’s quite all right
I need you baby
to warm my lonely nights
I love you baby
Trust in me when I say…

My eyes flicked open to the, ‘I love you baby’ song, sung by heath ledger in the movie. Looking up I see Christians face. He looks down at me.

“You’re awake,” he said startled.

“Yeah” I whispered with a hoarse voice. Sitting up I notice everyone else is asleep.

“So… you find my lap comfortable.” Christian said his voice not hiding his amusement at all.

Not giving in I say, “Very. How did I manage to end up like that anyway?”

“Well you started to nod off, and then you rested your head on my shoulder, but after a while you slipped and fell onto my lap, from there you stayed like that. Oh and in the future I would prefer if you didn’t drool on my jeans, these are my favorite jeans. I mean I know I’m irresistible but seriously could you hold yourself together and try not to let drool escape?

Quickly wiping my mouth, I don’t feel any drool. That’s when I realize he is playing with me. “Are you sure it was drool, it might have been sick. I tried to keep it in, but in your presence, well sometimes a girl can’t help but throw up.” I say with an innocent smile.

“Hilarious,” he said sarcastically, “but it could have been that you caught a glimpse of your reflection in the TV screen.”

“Maybe I caught a glimpse of your reflection.” I reply nonchalantly.

He scowls at me.

“Awe can the poor baby not think of another come back.” I say

“Shut up.” He mutters, making me laugh. He turns his head back to the TV and ignores me.

I soon get tired again, looking over at Christian I see he is already asleep. Slowly my eyes close, and I drift into the darkness.  


I put the song from the movie Tangled up, so if you havent heard it you can and should it is really sweet. 

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