Chapter 1

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Beyonce Knowles

“Mrs Knowles the car is ready” my assistant pointed towards the car parked at the front door.

We were attending a launch of the “Face of Knowles Beauty” in company of my wife Onika, my children, Blue Ivy being the first born will meet us at the venue and the twins Rumi and Ru.

“Thank you, Suzi” I held out my hand for Onika to take and brought her to the car. We’ll be taking two separate cars to the venue, with the kids riding in the other car.

“You don’t look so happy” I whispered to Onika in the car just enough for her to hear. She shifted slightly away from me, “I’m ecstatic” which was a lie, but I let it go, tonight was a momentum night for Knowles Beauty and no wife of mine will ruin this night for me.

Arriving at the venue, we were met with flashlights, and we were still in the car. I got out and fixed my suit and Onika followed suit. The kids had just arrived, and we were all ready to grace the red carpet as the Knowles family, it was important we presented a united front.

I spotted Ayanda, “who invited her here?” I asked Onika. “We may not like what she says about us on the media, but it does get the public listening and we need the public to listen for this event, so smile dear” just wonderful.

We waited for Blue to walk the red carpet as she arrived alone. We posed for a family picture with Onika not forgetting to remind us to smile at the cameras.

“Blue, everything looks great so far and I can’t wait to witness your magic tonight” I kissed her cheek and gave her a hug. “Thanks ma, Onika hi” she gave Onika a hug and being the ‘dutiful’ wife and mother, she kissed Blue. “Bluey you’ve out done yourself” I cringed at the nickname, Blue never liked it. “Come on, the show is about to start, and you know it can’t start without us”.

In attendance were some of the biggest names in the beauty industry, including beauty influencers, how can we leave them out. We took our seats in the front minus Blue who had to ensure everything went accordingly backstage.

The beautiful voice of Lauryn Hill graced the room with her presence igniting the stage. After her performance I went up on stage to give a speech.

“Thank you, Lauryn, for that wonderful performance. Welcome all to the ‘Face of Knowles Beauty” reveal. I bowed down in respect to the guests. “If you had told me at the age of 18 that I would be here about to announce the face of Knowles Beauty in front of these esteemed guests, I would have believed you” the guests laughed. “Of course I have many people to thank for that, especially my amazing wife, Onika Knowles” I looked towards her as the camera and light panned towards her “Thank you my love” she smiled. "My wonderful children, who made tonight possible, Blue and Ru" Ru looked out of sorts. “Tonight is momentous, I call it progression. Ladies and gentlemen please help me welcome the ‘Face of Knowles beauty”.

I quickly left the stage and the lights turned off in anticipation of the reveal. Before that, the director played a video to reel in the crowd and everyone waited with tainted breathes as the music started playing. Love story the orchestra version hit the speakers and Anok Yai graced the runway. Phones were out, everyone capturing this moment and it was safe to say this will shake the beauty industry with their backward standards to beauty.

The reveal was a success, I posed for pictures with the face of ‘Knowles Beauty’ Anok Yai and for once Suzi said something positive or so I thought

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The reveal was a success, I posed for pictures with the face of ‘Knowles Beauty’ Anok Yai and for once Suzi said something positive or so I thought. “Great initiative Knowles, but one can’t help but wonder. Is this a step towards representation of all skin tones or a dig at other brands for their lack of representation?” I did what Onika coached me and smiled, “Thank you for your ever so provocative journalism, how representable” I walked away to find my wife.

Many prominent individuals came to congratulate me as I stood with Onika  and held a glass of champaign.

“Ma, will you be attending the after party?" I'm at age where I tend to pass on those, had enough mingling in my younger years. No honey, I'll be heading home soon and tonight went well” Blue gave me a kiss, “I am proud of you” she nodded and looked at Onika, “have a great night” she bowed and left. “A little bit of ‘you did well’ wouldn’t have hurt” she looked at me like I was crazy but kept her smile, she’s so good at that.

“Right, anyway I don’t feel up to the afterparty. Take me home” she spoke without losing that smile. “Let me say a few words to some people and we’ll be on our way".

I sent Rumi and Ru a message letting them know me and their mother were leaving since they were nowhere to be found.

“What is your problem with Blue?” I asked Onika while buttoning up my nightwear. “None” she got in bed and switched on the TV. “Don’t be short with me, I know that Blue is not your daughter, but you have been rude towards her tonight unprovoked” she switched off the TV and got out of bed.

“what do you suggest I do? Lick the ground she walks on?” Sure, I don’t have favourites when it comes to my children, but Blue has been the one who seemed interested in the family business and did whatever it took to insure it, as for Ru, all he did was get high and sleep around, he didn't care about his position at the company. His subordinates do all the work and he takes credits for it. Rumi is her own person and wants no part in the family business. Shoot me for trying to ensure that our company has a successor, one who won't burn it to the ground.

“I don’t have to explain my decisions to you, but you and I know that Ru is not capable of handling this company” I got in bed. “Don’t forget who helped you start this business, out here acting like you did all this on your own. I put my blood and sweat in this company just for you to contemplate handing it to another women’s child. I’ll be damned Beyonce” I watched as she took her phone out of the charger “Onika stop acting and get back in bed” she left the room.

Breakfast is always filled with drama and today is no different, “what were you thinking being high as kite last night?” I was pissed off; he can’t even act right at an important function and Onika wonders why I can’t trust him with the company “Don’t talk to my child like that” of course she comes to defend him. “Maybe that’s the problem, you always baby him. What he needs to do is act his age” Rumi tried to leave. “Sit honey, I have something to say”, she groaned and sat down.

“I’ll be stepping down as CEO for various reasons, but what you need to know is that all of you are position to become CEO. I’ll make my decision after a series of tests and of course, your competence in your work. So don’t disappoint me, I’d hate for the board to find someone else to run this company” I took a sip of juice.

“I don’t know why I have to be here for this when you know I have no intention of being a part of whatever this is” I expected that from Rumi, but I still wanted her to know that she has every right to be CEO just like her twin brother and sister. “I have to go, I’ll see you guys later” she got up to kiss Onika, patted Ru’s shoulder and stood next to me. “You know I love you Rumi, let me know when you want to be a part of this family”, she kissed my cheek and left.

“You can’t even discuss with me first before you make such a decision?” Onika was fuming hot on my tail as I went to my study room. “What does me stepping down have to do with you?” I asked her. “You know what, do whatever you want. But you and I know who CEO should be”. She stopped following me, I got in my study and took a much-needed breath.

Shoot me for trying to leave this company in capable hands.

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