Chapter 2

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Blue Ivy

I woke up around 11am, that’s how exhausted I was. I had to attend the afterparty last night. It wouldn’t make sense that none of the Knowles family would make an appearance to the afterparty.

North wasn’t so happy when I got back, between chowing my head off with accusations making me want to end the relationship for once.

I had to butter her, apologize for nothing and of course try to get a nut but she was adamant on not giving me any and even made me sleep on the couch.

You’d think after the success of the launch my girlfriend would congratulate me with some loving but instead, I got yelled at and called all kinds of names. However, she still made me breakfast and something to stop the hungover, so I’ll forget about her antics last night.

“Look who decided to wake up” I got off from the couch and approached her, “no stay there” I didn’t listen and got up behind her. “Why are you trying to pick a fight so early?” even though it was around 11am, in my mind it was still early.

“I’m not happy with you right now, leave me alone” if its anything I’ve learned about North when she says something, she wants you to do the exact opposite. “Don’t be like that baby, I apologize for getting back late and missing our movie night. I’ll make it up to you” hopefully I can or she’ll chop off my ears.

It was Saturday, so I get to stay in and just listen to North talk my ear off. I love this girl, but she can talk. “I saw the event on YouTube, and it was great” that’s another thing I love about her, always so supportive. “You really think so?” she laid on top of me as I messaged her scalp, “yes I do, but I don’t get why you didn’t invite me, are you ashamed of me?” why would she think that, but maybe I do give her that impression which is not how I feel about her. I'd shout my love for her on the rooftop if I wasn't a Knowles. She thinks it's about her, but really it's about me.

We met at an exclusive party, she did all the talking while I listened and I guess that's been our thing since. When I found out she was in the beauty industry was just a plus for me. “Of course not baby, it’s just that you know with my family, things are just different, and I’m focused on winning my mom over and taking over the company. Wouldn’t you like me being CEO?” she nodded placed a kiss on my lips.

“Are you still on the pill?” I asked her between kisses, and she hummed yes, “good cause I want to feel you bare”. I flipped her over and dragged her to the edge of the bed pushing her thighs apart. “You are always ready” she tried to close her legs, but I pushed them apart and dove in headfirst. ‘Water’ I thought as I kissed her lower lips, she tasted so good, I could go at it for hours. She’s always so loud and talkative but when I give it to her, she tends to lose her voice. “Right there, don’t stop…ahh babe” like I would ever stop, had her legs shaking and knees locking me in. After she orgasmed, I slopped on her juices, and she tried to push my head away, “sensitive…” she let out, barely.

“Are you ready?” she nodded and helped me up to her face and kissed me while her hand touched my groin. I was already hard, she pumped me couple of times before lining my shaft with her pussy, making sure to coat it with her wetness. She lined my shaft with her opening and pushed me inside, her mouth opened, and I kissed off that moan. She’s always wet for me but ever so tight, I could feel myself cumming without moving. Luckily for both of us, I could go for hours even after cumming.

I started moving once she gave me the signal, had her struggling to muffle her moans, that’s what good dick does to her. “Baby you are so tight, choking my dick…” she giggled “only I can have you like this” I nodded, she’s possessive and I love it. She knows I also don’t play about her, only I can have her struggling to scream like this. “Mines” I grabbed her neck. She nodded quickly, “Words baby” she nodded again, “Yes…its…yours…” she spoke to the rhythm of my pounding. I released my juices inside of her. After a minute she tried to push me up, “We are not done, all fours” we went on for what felt like hours.

I got up in the middle of the night to get some water and check my phone. I saw some missed calls and messages.

Ma- I need you to accompany me somewhere with Ru on Monday.

Ru- Yoh sis, Ma is wilding. She threatened to disown me if I don’t get my act right.

Rumi- Can’t you tell Ma that I’m not interested in the family business, I just want to make music.

I saw some other messages but I only care about family during the weekend.

Another one that caught my eye was from Onika.

Onika-did you know about your mom stepping down?

I sent her a reply.

-Nah, I didn’t.

I don’t know what I ever did to Onika for her to have such animosity towards me, never mind not being her child but that’s no reason for her to treat me like that, it’s like she thinks I’m trying to take away something from her and her children. When really I'm about my career in the beauty industry.

I replied to the rest of the messages

-Of course, Ma.

-Rumi you know the ‘family business’ pays for your lifestyle, right? Ma just wants you to be apart of it. But if music is what you want to pursue, I’ll talk to ma for you if you promise your debut single will be a hit.

-Ru you are lucky Ma hasn’t yet, just clean up your act dude. Coming to the event high is not one way to do it. You know I love you but that was fucked up, what’s even fucked up is that you’d rather be high all the time forgetting your position in the company. You may fool others, but I know you are not dumb, get it together.

I grabbed two bottles of water and went to bed. North tried to wake up as she felt the bed shift, “go back to sleep baby, I’m here” I kissed her lips and pulled her close to me.

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