Chapter 6

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Ru Knowles

I was crashing at Rumi's place, our parents probably think I'm out with my good for nothing friends, getting wasted and having sex. Which I could but it's not what I wanted. It's been hard trying to step out of Blue's shadow, but with what's happened the past week or two I felt bad for her.

We were pitied against each other by our parents and even though we tried to not let it get to us, I can't say I wasn't hurt along the way.

Always being reminded of how perfect Blue was, doing everything I failed to do, and I guess Ma thought she was helping me build the fight in me but all it did is tear me down.

I felt like a toy being tossed around, being told what to do. It got so bad that I started using drugs as an escapism.

But now I'm just a spoiled brat and a disappointment, they don't have to say it, but I can feel it every time Blue is brought up. But with all that I still love Blue, she's the only person in this family who gets me. Sure, Rumi is an angel which is why I don't want to taint her, the reason I even asked to stay at her place last night was because I am trying to get my act right as Blue puts it.

She's still not answering or replying to my messages, I just hope that this doesn't change her.

I knew about the parties she frequented, but she always assured me that I had nothing to worry about. At the time I found out she was still single, which I think is why she attended them in the first place.

After she found a girlfriend, she ceased attending them, which made sense.

Her girlfriend North was from the Kardashian family. To be honest, I didn't expect her to date someone like North, they are so different but maybe that's why it worked out for them, or so it did since they are no longer together.

I was rooting for them, imagine a mini version of Blue or even North. They'd make cute babies.

I just hoped she doesn't go back to attending those parties, they are the reason she's going through the whole accusation stuff.

Rumi was a hard nut to crack, she did music and nothing but music, I wondered is she was seeing someone, the thought of that had me preparing a gun and I know ma has one.

"Is your boyfriend okay that I stayed over?" she laughed and handed me a sandwich, "you are so dumb, there is no boyfriend and there is no girlfriend either. All you had to do was ask, I'm not seeing anyone but what I am seeing is a number 1 hit".

She is a Knowles after all, I was starting to think she was swapped at birth. "Word twin?" had me clasping my hands together like a manager ready to make some money with her.

Now that I think of it, maybe this is a sign "no! I know that face, whatever you are thinking just no. Go home make amends and help with the company" well I guess one of us should help with the family business.

"Has Blue replied to any of your calls or messages?" she shook her head no, "let's give her space, once she feels like it, she knows where to find us".

I still felt bad, I knew how much she wanted that position. "Okay, let me go see your mothers before they send out a search party" how come they are never that concerned when Rumi or Blue leave the house? I asked myself.

I pulled up to the house and took a deep breathe before getting inside. The house was quiet much to my delight, I need peace and quiet.

But before going to my room, I went to mom's bedroom and knocked on the door, "mom, its me. Can I come in?" I heard shuffling and soon the door was opened, why was her door locked?

"Before you shout at me, I was at Rumi's place, and we listened to... mom are you okay?" I followed her as she got in the blankets, I looked at my watch and it was just after 2pm. "Just under the weather, thank you for being responsible son. Do you mind if I just took a nap?".

I sat next to her "of course not, see you later" I kissed her forehead, took a long look at her and left.

I went on to check on ma in her study and she wasn't there, even her bedroom was empty, what happened?

Blue Ivy

I still got messages from Rumi and Ru, stating they loved me and hoped I get out of this state I am in.

Within the week I managed to move into my house, the area looked great. Surrounded by many trees, just what I needed, a breath of fresh air.

A part of me wished North was here with me, how pathetic. She showed me how she really felt and thought of me, and I am still pinning after her.

Going to the parties wouldn't be the best idea especially since I find myself in this position because of them.

Later that night my ma called and told me someone would be here to pick me up, it was a Sunday night and I thought I made it clear that I wanted to be left alone.

The car arrived and as I tried to send Julius away, he spoke with urgency that I got in the car, and he drove me to an unknown location. "What's going on Julius?" he looked at me through the mirror, "you'll find out once we get there".

Upon arrival I noticed some men in suits stationed outside the entrance, I hope this is not some skin lightening dealing again. I passed them and they all bowed.

"She's here boss" the man who I've come to know as Tiny announced my arrival.

"Ma, what going on?" I approached her and noticed someone on the floor with a blindfold, "nope, I want no part in this. I am leaving" she grabbed my wrist before I made a run for it.

"Are we kidnappers now? ma are you for real right now?" she removed the gag and blind fold from the girl, "meet your accuser Blue, she has something she wants to say to you".

She looked up at me "I am sorry for the troubled I caused you and your family... I was paid money to lie and taint your image, I am so sorry...please don't kill me. I'll tell the truth" what difference would that make? Too late to change public perception about me. I can't even go out to run simple errands. My life is ruined and she's talking about 'I am sorry'.

"Should have thought about that before you opened that mouth of yours, because of you my reputation is fucked!" Ma held me back from slapping the girl. "Julius take her to the car" I took one look at the girl and left.

After some minutes, ma got in the car. "Don't worry I have her handled and got the confession" what does she mean 'handled', "you are not planning on killing her are you?" I looked at her shocked.

"No honey, we'll ship her to some foreign country for her safety, she's better off alive than dead for your sake". I didn't even think that far off, the way my mom was in there had me questioning my entire image of her, it's like she was used to doing stuff like that.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all that" what I don't get is why did that girl target me; she was being used by someone. I doubt I've made enemies in my line of work that someone would go to such lengths to destroy me. "Stop thinking about it, it's handled" I nodded and browsed through my phone.

Ma dropped me off and told me to take as much time I need before getting back to work, I don't think she's aware of my intentions. I don't see myself as CEO for Knowles Beauty neither now nor the near future.

Maybe it's time I found or reinvent myself, whatever works.

Staying off social media was one of the things I intended on doing, was just not good for my mental health.

When I was alone, my thoughts took me to North. I hope she is alright. Our relationship wouldn't have worked out anyway. No one wants to be kept a secret.

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