Chapter 3

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Nicki Minaj

Sunday morning, I woke up with only one thing on my mind, make my son CEO.

I didn’t bother knocking, “get up!” I shouted and went to fetch something I could pour water in from the bathroom.

He was still not up, and I poured him with water, “mom, are you serious right now?!” it got the job done “It woke you up didn’t it? so yes, I am serious. Get your ass out of bed and hit the shower”.

I looked around the room and spotted some white substance on his dressing table. “You are doing drugs in my house?!” he had me fucked up. He literally ran to the bathroom.

I made some calls to a few people; I’ll be damned if I lose my son to this.

He was taking a while in the shower that I got concerned, I knocked on the door. “Ru, are you okay in there?” no reply, if I didn’t get a reply after my third attempt, I was barging in.

I knocked again and he opened the door. “A little privacy would be nice” I mugged him, “I birthed you and what privacy? so you can snort some lines of cocaine or whatever the hell this is?” he took out some sweats and went to get dressed in the bathroom. I followed shortly and poured the substance down the toilet. He better not have more stashed in his room or I swear I'll turn it upside down.

“Where did I go wrong with you?” like I genuinely wanted to know how I fucked up with him.

I guess he saw how serious I was and was quick to console me, “It’s not you mom, you did nothing wrong okay. I just… I’ll do better I promise. I'll take the business serious, go to the office and make you and ma proud. I know she’s disappointed in me, but please don’t be as well, that will break me.”

Ru was never expressive with his feelings, its hard trying to understand what is going on in his mind, this behaviour might be a cry for help. How can I help him if he can't help himself out? I just don’t want to lose my son. I nodded, hoping he really meant what he said.

“Blue strokes your ma’s ego, so you need to do the same” I wiped some lotion on his chin, “got it mom. Can I have my room to myself now?” I held out my hand, “you can’t be serious”. I wasn’t playing with his life. “It’s either you give me the rest of the drugs you have hidden, or I tell your mother and she’ll send you to rehab or worse make Blue CEO”.

He chuckled “If you want to be CEO so bad why don’t you be it. It’ll save us all this trouble and stop trying to use me in whatever ploy you have going on” before I could stop myself, I slapped him. “You’ll meet up with your mother and Blue tomorrow. Do whatever it takes to become CEO, are we clear?” I held his chin and he nodded.

I left his room and got sick to my stomach, I can’t believe I just said and did all that. I hope he’ll understand why I do everything I do one day; he might hate me for it now but he’ll understand later.

I didn’t bother with Rumi; I may have some sort of effect on everyone in this house but when it comes to Rumi I fail. She’s her own person that I gave up on the very idea that she’ll become CEO or even have a position in the company.

I let her run wild, if Beyonce can’t control her, there’s no way I could get a word in. it’s better to have one child hating me than two, I can’t be fucking up everyone’s life.

I got in the shower and heard the door to the bathroom opening just as I was about to finish. “Not even an invite?” she got in and I turned my back towards her, she makes me so mad and fucks me so good, too good and I hate her for it.

“What do you want? disturbing my peace” she chuckled and pushed me against the glass. My body betrayed me and felt myself getting wet. “You and your peace have me fucked up”.

she parted my thighs with her knee while grabbing my butt with one hand and my breast with the other. “Not you trying to multitask” I laughed, “keep laughing, it won’t be for long” I swallowed a lump in my throat.

My marriage with Beyonce doesn’t make sense to me anymore, it’s like we are just stuck with each other, there’s no way out or all that we’ve built will come crashing down if one of us even thinks about calling it quits.

She was so hard, must’ve been hard going all these days without getting any. Call me petty but I knew how to tame her, she calls all the shots when it came to the company, but I called the shots in the bedroom. Even though I wanted to hold out, I was too horny.

I grabbed her long, thick shaft and quickly put it in and moaned at the feeling of her inside. She didn’t move “Beyonce stop playing” I said frustrated, I even tried backing up but she moved further away, just enough to keep the dick inside. “Beg for it” I looked at her over my shoulder like she was crazy “” I refused and wiggled my butt to remove myself from the glass. Before I could get out the shower she pulled me back, this time with my back against the glass, before I could protest, she held up my leg and hooked it around her torso. “Beyonce…” she cut me off and shoved her dick inside, “I tried to be nice, you’ll have to beg me to stop then". She definitely meant that.

When I tell you she had me cursing in different languages while hitting that spot repeatedly. My legs gave out and she still held me in place while pounding me “Baby, I can’t…” she kissed me “that’s not what I want to hear”

She released inside me and slipped out, “we are not done” she helped me out the shower, while I breathed frantically. Carried me to the bed all while wet, “Let me eat” when I tell I saw stars as she ate me out, I tried running away and she held me down, I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of begging her to stop.

After my orgasm she pushed me towards the middle of the bed, I gathered whatever strength I had left and pushed her on her back, before she could do or say anything. I climbed on top of her and slipped down her dick, had her moaning like a bitch while I  bounced on her making sure to get a good grip of her dick, reminding her Tanya doesn't play.

I was prepared to go for hours, I was bouncing up and down and she tried to catch my boobs with her mouth, “thirsty huh?” I mocked. “Shut up Tanya” she pulled me up and got me on all fours. She fucked me to a point that I tapped out and begged her to stop. “You never learn, all you had to say was ‘please’”, I flicked her forehead as she pulled out her limp dick, I sucked her dry, I don’t know what she’s boasting about.

The aftercare was sweet, cleaning me up nicely like she wasn’t just tearing me up.

I shut my eyes for some minutes and woke up to darkness. I went back to sleep, she really did wear me out.

But still pissed me off for fucking me and leaving me like some one night stand, one of these nights I'll hold out for good.

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