Chapter 4

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Beyonce Knowles

I visited Blue and Ru in their offices at work, I wanted to know why I should make either of them CEO.

After their presentations, I continued with my daily business activities. I had my mind made up already, I just wanted to see if they could change my mind, tonight will let me know who I make CEO of Knowles Beauty.

“Where are we going too ma?” Ru was anxious as the car cruised in a neighbour his spoiled ass has never sat foot in. “You’ll see once we get there, relax son” he nodded.

“Thank you, Julius” We entered a warehouse and it clicked to Ru where I had taken them. Blue was quiet observing the warehouse. “Kids listen up” it was only the three of us and my trusted Partner Tiny. “Have a look around and tell me what you think”, I already had a few products on display for them.

“Lemon bright…a whitening cream! Ma what the hell is this, Blue are you seeing this?” Ru went through the other products. “Is this your product ma?!” I took the cream and put it down.

“Yes, apart from Knowles Beauty products this are some of the products we sell to neighbouring countries and as far as countries in Africa”.

Blue kept her comments to herself. “Are you insane, do you know how harmful this shit is? You are poisoning people!” Tiny tried to get him to calm down, “Fuck this shit, I am out of here” he looked at Blue and he realised she wasn’t following him he left and kicked a box on his way out.

“Why this business?” at least she wasn’t livid, “We saw a market gap and we grabbed it, we were starting off and needed capital, this was the most profitable one” she calculated her response. "Whose 'we'"? I put my hand of her shoulder and squeezed lightly. "Don't worry yourself about" she nodded, “okay then, is it still lucrative?” I smiled at her and at that moment I had my mind made.

We found Ru in the car typing furiously on his phone, “you need to grow up Ru” he looked between me and Blue and shook his head.

“What’s going on?” Onika asked as soon we got inside the house with Rumi right behind her just as shocked by Ru slamming a glass of wine against the wall. “Rumi go to your room” my tone was serious leaving no room for argument, but she still found room. “No, I’m a part of this I deserve to know what’s going on".

Now she wants to be part of this family, “Rumi go to your room this instant! This is between future CEO’s remember you wanted no part in the family business so get the fuck out!” Onika pulled my arm and held eye contact with me. Rumi left not before saying a few words, “I’ll be on my way then”. Onika was mugging me.

“Ma showed us skin lightening products in her shady warehouse in other parts of some dodgy neighbourhood” Onika looked at me then at Ru, “You knew?!” Onika held her forehead, “Yes, I knew!” Ru put up his hands in disbelief “and you were okay with it?”. He left before Onika could reply.

“I’ll be off Ma, Onika, see you guys” I kissed her goodnight.

Onika followed me to the bedroom, “he is just shocked Beyonce, possibly you can’t already have your mind made up”. I took off my clothes and got in the shower, “Your son can’t even control his emotions about our dealings that pay for his lifestyle mind you, and you want me to intrust him with the company?” she was about to leave the bathroom and turned “and that’s our son, you knew that as soon as you had DNA done without my knowledge”.

I guess tonight I’ll be sleeping alone, who am I kidding, we had separate bedrooms and only used the same bed after fucking and both of us are too tired to leave. But these days even after fucking I'll still leave the room.

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