Chapter 8

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Rumi Knowles

I went to my old room which I haven't spent a while in.

I wonder what dodgy dealings ma has been up too that we needed protection.

They may think I don't notice anything but I do. I'm always observing and not saying anything.

The Marriage between my parents has been over for a while now, they are just putting a front for us and the public.

I was a witness to the many fights, arguments and the lying. I still can't figure out why mom allows ma to treat her like this.

It's not like mom wouldn't be fine on her own, she has shares in the company and we all do.

But she continues to stay here getting disrespected and tossed aside like some side piece.

It's clear as day that Blue has a different mother from us, but she is never brought up and even Blue never talks about her, I wonder why.

The three of us grew up under one roof, as soon as Blue turned 18 she moved out. Ru is 21 and still staying with the parents. I'm starting to think he has abandonment issues or mommy issues whatever he wants to call it.

I on the hand would say I have family issues. I also moved out the minute I turned 18 and never looked back. I only come here when I'm left with no choice.

I've been busy with my music and about to drop my debut single independently, I don't mess with record labels and their contracts from hell.

I'm not ashamed to say I've never had a boyfriend nor girlfriend in my big age. Call it what you will but I guess witnessing the relationship between my mother's, I never wanted that for me. I'll just focus on music and being happy in my own space.

There's some words I wanted to get off my chest in the study but wasn't given the chance. One of these good days they'll be forced to listen.

Mom didn't seem fine while she sat on that armchair. I went to check on her and found her sitting on the dressing chair.

"Hey Rumi my love, what's up?" I got behind her put my head on her shoulder "nothing, just came to check on you" she ruffled my hair. "I'm good love" she got up, put lotion on her hands and pulled my hands towards hers smothering my hands with the lotion. I missed this, it's been years. Something is definitely up, she did this to ease my worries as a child.

"Why are you still with ma?" I questioned as I  laid next to her in bed. "What do you mean honey, your mom and I are married" she always does that, make it seem like my questions are nonsensical.

"Do you still love her?" that took her by surprise and words got caught in her throat, "I... Yes... I do..." right, that's all I needed to know. I turned my back on her.

"Hey, don't be like that, you may be grown but still a child to me and there are some things you won't understand. It's not that simple. I love your mother okay, don't ever question that but do you know what I love more?" I turned around and looked at her "You, I love you more. Don't mention it to anyone especially your twin" I laughed and she embraced me. "What about Blue?" she let go of me "what about her?" she's doing it again "do you love her?" she slightly nodded. It didn't feel definite.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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