Finding My Way

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Sometimes I feel like running away,
To a new place where I can stay.
I've been running and now I'm tired,
I've lost myself, feeling uninspired.

In a new city with a new name,
Will I ever escape this endless game?
I've been in this marathon for too long,
Trying to find where I belong.

I need to wander, I need to roam,
To find a place that feels like home.
I just want to run far and wide,
To find myself and what’s inside.

In this journey, I hope to find,
The part of me I left behind.
Where I can breathe and just be me,
To live my life completely free.

So let me run, let me chase,
I'll find my own safe place.
I’ll start again, and find my way,
And let the pain just fade away.

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