Welcome to "Whispers of the Heart"

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Hello there,

I'm thrilled to welcome you to "Whispers of the Heart," where my heartfelt poems find their home. This collection is a cozy corner where I pour out my feelings, hopes, and dreams through the magic of words.

If you're wondering why I decided to create this book, well, let me share a little secret with you.
You see, sometimes life gets a bit too overwhelming, and my heart feels like it's bursting with emotions I can't quite explain. That's when I turn to poetry. It's like my superpower – the ability to transform all those jumbled thoughts and feelings into something tangible, something beautiful.

Now, I have to confess something: this is my very first book. Yes, you heard that right! I'm stepping into the world of publishing for the first time, and let me tell you, it's both exciting and nerve-wracking. But I believe in the power of sharing stories, and I couldn't resist the urge to share mine with you. ;)

Here's the plan: I'll be adding more poems to this collection as time goes by. You see, inspiration strikes at the most unexpected moments – in the quiet of the night, during a breakdown, or even while sipping on a cup of coffee or maybe when you are just too happy. So, consider this book a work in progress, a living, breathing entity that grows with each passing day.

But enough about me – I want to hear from you! Yes, you! Your thoughts, your feelings, your stories. Whether you find comfort in one of my poems or have some wise words to share, I'm all ears. Your feedback means the world to me, and I'm eager to learn and grow as a writer with your help.

Thank you for joining me on this poetic adventure. Together, let's explore the whispers of the heart and discover the beauty that lies within.

Much love!!!!!!
-Your Kira

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