Proverbs 18 ~ The Power of Words

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Did another rubbish job yesterday didn't I. Ever so sorry everyone. Must try to remember to write more sweetly from now on.

It's nice being alone. You can be selfish and silly and no one will say anything. But then you'll turn into a silly selfish person won't you. So it's not a good idea.

Some folks never think stuff through. Yet still shout out and talk over you. It's best just not to listen.

You're free to be a loudmouth sure. But folks won't like it so shush.

Words are a bit like rain. They flood your world with a stormy sea if you don't watch what you say.
Nice words are more of a gentle shower for the garden.

Side with the wicked or they'll get you! Good folks are so soft. Blame your crimes on them. Heaven won't be happy though. So think again.

The man who speaks without thinking tends to get slapped in the face without thinking.

Words like blades can be tools or weapons. Those who live by the sword tend to die by the sword. So make your words tools not weapons.

Gossip tastes so good! Like fingerfood at a buffet. Goes down so easy! Then rots your insides. Turn it down. You've had quite enough already.

A guy who don't bother doing what he should is as bad as one who does what he shouldn't. They'll both rack up debts with heaven.

Praying to El and walking the way gives spiritual protection. It's like living in a fortress.

A rich man builds an actual fortress and thinks it's better than heaven's blessing. But at most itta last him a lifetime.

Look down on folk and folk will pull you down. Look up to them and they will lift you up. They just love making stuff even.

It's silly to give your answer before you listen to the question. No one will respect your opinions if you do.

When you're sick or life gets tough, your spirit gets you through. But if your soul is sick, even good times hurt.

Swallow wise words with open ears. They'll fill your heart with spirit enough to get you through the tough times.

Don't wonder what someone can do for you. Think what you can do for them. That's how you make a friend.

Folks love to tell you their side of things. It gets you on their side. But don't be too quick to judge. There's two sides to every story.

If folks just can't agree and feel like spilling blood to settle stuff, let heaven decide by flipping a coin. If it lands in favour of the one in the wrong, don't worry - peace is better than war. You may find a way to win the argument later. For now just cut your loss and have faith in heaven's judgement. Maybe you're being punished for something you forgot about. So take it with a smile.

Sacking a well-guarded castle at war is hard. But not as hard as making peace with a friend you fell out with. Every issue you don't agree on is like a shark-infested moat you gotta polevault over.

Wise words can bridge any moat. They soothe aching hearts like food soothes rumbling bellies.

Words are like cups of brew. You can poison minds with them or cure the blues. Folks are so generous too. They'll pay you back for whatever you do.

If a girl agrees to marry you, you must be doing something right. Keep doing it. If you give her a home for life as agreed, El will give you a home in heaven.

A poor guy is sure to stay loyal in love. You might have to beg a rich a man to stay. Yet El is more loyal and richer than both.

It's better to have a loyal friend closer than a brother, than ten who'll let you down and turn the tables on each other.

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