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The cookies were exhausted from moving and were now hungry.

GingerBrave: "So... hungry.... Hey, is there a spell to make food?"

Wizard Cookie: "There is.... But I can't cast it on an empty stomach."

GingerCandy: "Me neither.... Magicians like us have a limit at this...!"

Just then, GingerBrave and GingerDozer smelled a sweet aroma coming from the other side.

Gingerbread siblings: "Something smells good!"

But their path was blocked.

GingerBrave: "It's not coming from here..."

GingerBright: "OOOH! GingerBrave! The aroma is coming from back there!"

GingerBrave: "OH-HOO! Let's move this outta the way!"

GingerDozer: "Let's! Let's!"

When they finished clearing the place, they see a hidden door.

GingerBrave: "I smell food!"

GingerBright: "But there's no handle.... How do we get inside?"

GingerBrave: "We could try knocking?"

She uses her candy cane and hits the door.

GingerDozer: "Oooh! Me too!"

The two cookies started hitting the with their candy canes but nothing seems to work at all.

Wizard Cookie: (That's... quite a knock...)

Strawberry Cookie then notice a strange symbol on the wall.

Strawberry Cookie: "W-w-wait! This is a puzzle!"

GingerBright: "A puzzle?"

GingerCandy: "Strawberry Cookie is right! It is a puzzle. We need to rotate it so that it can open."

The cookies tried rotating which head the body was connect. Till the mouse head was placed and the door slowly opened. As they entered, they see an inn with all sorts of food. But no one was there.

GingerBright: "It looks like an old tavern!"

Wizard Cookie: "There's no one here..."

GingerCandy: "Hm... I wonder what had happened?"

"Over there..." says Strawberry Cookie as she points a big mouse behind the counter.

GingerBrave: "Hello! We're hungry!"

Mouse: "I would give my whiskers to serve you.... But alas.... My Cheesehaven is no more. On orders of Shirff Whiskerton, my Squeakchelin Star tavern is closed!"

GingerBrave: "What?! Nooo!"

Strawberry Cookie: "Closed? But why?"

Mouse: "I, the Cheesemaster, have committed an infinite number of crimes."

GingerBright: "Huh.... You don't seem like a criminal."

Wizard Cookie: "What sort of... crimes?"

Cheesemaster: "By the plucking of my whiskers, many a wicked deed has been birthed in the tavern of mine. The crime of preparing a cheese sandwich sans a catnip garnish. The transgression of failing to accommodate the proper granules of sand in the facilities. The grave dereliction of duty for not providing a proper grooming service before the meal."

GingerBrave: "Those don't sound like rules at all! They sound like kitty litter!"

Strawberry Cookie: "Bad kitty..."

Cookie Run Witch's Castle (Female GingerBrave)Where stories live. Discover now