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The Cookies arrived at the cabinet which looked like an actual hotel.

GingerBrave: "Oh ho! So this is the hotel!"

Strawberry Cookie: "It so big.... Almost too big..."

GingerBright: "The compass is somewhere here, right?"

Wizard Cookie: "If it really exists at all..."

GingerBrave: "Let's trust First Cream Cookie!"

GingerCandy: "I agree with GingerBrave. Even though we just met, I feel as if she is helping rescue GingerDozer."

GingerBrave: "We should start looking for it!"

GingerBright: "Maybe someone here knows about the compass?"

Wizard Cookie: "IF anyone's here."

GingerBright: "Well then...! We'll find them too!"

She starts to look around and spotted a bell. She walks closer to it and hits it. it made a huge ringing noise which caused the poor Cookies to shake in fright.

Wizard Cookie: "GingerBright, what was that?!"

Strawberry Cookie: "My ears are ringing..."

GingerCandy: "Mines too...!"

"Yes, yes, on my w- GAH?!" yelled a voice, it wasn't long that they heard a crashing sound. They see the entire luggage on the floor.

GingerCandy: "What was that?"

???: "Ow..."

GingerBrave: "Oh my...!"

GingerBright: "Are you alright?"

???: "I'm okay, but.... Oh dear, the luggage! What a mess!"

GingerBright: "We wanted to ask you something..."

Strawberry Cookie: "Do you need a hand? We can help..."

GingerBrave: "Yeah! Let's clean up this mess!"

The Cookies helped the staff named Bellhop who was carrying the luggage.

The Cookies helped the staff named Bellhop who was carrying the luggage

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GingerBrave: "HUP! That's the last one!"

Bellhop: "Thank you very much! You're a lifesaver!"

GingerBrave: "Don't mention it, hehe!"

That was when GingerCandy spotted a poster on the floor. She picks it up and shows it to the others.

GingerCandy: "Hey guys! Check this out."

GingerBrave: "Oh, you dropped- HUH?"

That was when the saw the compass and thought that this is what they were looking for.

Strawberry Cookie: "A compass... to aid our quest.... Is that...?"

GingerBrave: "This is it! This is what First Cream Cookie told us to find!"

Cookie Run Witch's Castle (Female GingerBrave)Where stories live. Discover now