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The Cookies soon arrived at the vault. That was when they saw a crying Jelly Worm coming out of the desk.

GingerBright: "Are you alright???"

Jelly Worm: "T-t-thank you! Everything's... a blur..."

GingerBrave: "We're here to help!"

Wizard Cookie: "Luckily, no one was injured. Have you seen Marble Danish Cookie's sword?"

Jelly Worm: "A sword...? Ah! Let's see here.... Are you looking for this oddly-shaped and heavy blade? This blade is so unique, it's hard to forget."

GingerBrave: "That's it! We've found it!"

GingerBright: "Hooray! That was easier than I thought!"

Strawberry Cookie: "We should get back to the auction...!"

The cookies too the blade and went back to the auction house.

Marble Danish Cookie: "So you've found the blade!"

GingerBrave: "It's so heavy...! You must be really strong to carry this all the time."

Marble Danish Cookie: "Strength alone cannot wield this blade. Only those of great honour and responsi-."

Wizard Cookie: "Pardon the interruption, but.... Let's get you untied first."

GingerBrave goes behind him and cuts the enchanted ropes with the blade. She then hands the sword back to him.

Marble Danish Cookie: "Thanks to you, I have been freed."

GingerBrave: "Don't mention it ! it was the right thing to do!"

Wizard Cookie: "Now that things have quieted down here, I suggest we make a run for it. Who knows when those bandits might return?"

GingerBrave: "That's right! The bandits! They've taken over the entire hotel!"

Marble Danish Cookie: ".... Bandits? Are you perhaps referring to the Syndicate?"

Strawberry Cookie: "D-d-do you know something about the... *gulp* Apricot Jam Syndicate?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "No, I do not know anything about them specifically.... But this.... Syndicate is infamous for terrorizing the neighbourhood."

GingerBright: "Does that mean the other guests might be in trouble too?"

GingerBrave: "Maybe.... We can't let them get away with this!"

That was when the bandits spotted them.

Bandit: "How...?! How'd they get loose?! Don't just stand there! Grab' em!"

GingerCandy: "Look out!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Fortuitous timing. Begone, you whelps!"

The bandits known as the Syndicate Grunts charged at them.

Syndicate Grunt: "We ain't got nothing to be afraid of! We outnumber them!"

GingerBrave: "Yikes! We're surrounded!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "'Nothing to be afraid of'? I beg to differ.... You will learn to be very, very afraid. Are you ready for a lesson of fear?"

And with a one go, Marble Danish Cookie knocks them out without a blink of an eye.

Syndicate Grunt: "You'll be sorry...!!!"

GingerBrave: "Whoa! Marble Danish Cookie is really strong and tough!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "I have been training and honing my skills... ever since that day. And I vowed.... To never be bested by a band of scoundrels."

That was when the manager appeared, half injured.

Cookie Run Witch's Castle (Female GingerBrave)Where stories live. Discover now