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GingerBrave and the others started searching for Radish Cookie and Rosemary Cookie.

GingerBrave: "RADISH COOKIE! Rosemary Cookie!"

Strawberry Cookie: "I don't think they're here..."

GingerCandy: "We need to keep looking!"

Wizard Cookie: "They can't have gone far. We were right on their tails, after all."

That was when GingerBright saw the syrup pipe broken.

GingerBright: "The syrup pipe is broken.... Could it be the naughty Churro Golem again?"

GingerBrave: "If we leave the broken pipes as they are, all the precious syrup will go to waste. Let's fix' em up quickly and go find those two!"

They agreed and started fixing the pipe. When they were done, they continued searching for Radish and Rosemary Cookie.

That was when they spotted Radish Cookie.

GingerBrave: "There you are!"

Radish Cookie: "WAIT! STOP!"

GingerCandy: "What's the matter Radish Cookie!?"

Radish Cookie: "The residents in there are..."

Strawberry Cookie: "Are they hurt...?"

GingerBright: "Were they ambushed?"

GingerBrave: "Did they disappear!?"

Wizard Cookie: "What happened?!"

Radish Cookie: "They're... naked!!!"

They see a mushroom through the window not wearing anything. The cookies immediately looked away.

Cookies: "EEEK!"

GingerCandy: "Radish Cookie! Can you explain what's going on?!"

Radish Cookie: "The spa broke down while they were taking a bath. Their clothes are gone too.... So they're stuck inside. We need to fix up the spa!"

Strawberry Cookie: "We'll help!"

GingerBright: "Let's get to work!"

The cookies begun fixing the spa. The spa was good as new. But that was when Choco Mushroom's friend lost his hat.

GingerBrave: "We've looked everywhere... but it looks like your hat isn't here..."

The farmer named Rice Cake Farmer was sad.

Strawberry Cookie: "Maybe we could take another look...?"

Rice Cake Farmer: "But... I've already looked everywhere I could think of..."

Strawberry Cookie remained silent.

Choco Mushroom: "Hey, Radish Cookie? Could you ask Rosemary Cookie is she's seen our friend's hat?"

Radish Cookie: "Huh? Rosemary Cookie?"

Choco Mushroom: "The thing is.... Well.... Rosemary Cookie's the one who ruined our spa..."

Radish Cookie: "WHAT?! There's no way she'd do that! She loves taking care of the garden and everyone here!"

GingerBrave: "Um.... What exactly happened?"

Choco Mushroom: "We were relaxin' and chillin' here after we called it a day, but then Rosemary Cookie showed up. Mind you, we hadn't seen her in forever! So we called out to her, to say hi and stuff!"

GingerCandy: "And then...?"

Choco Mushroom: "We said 'Hey, Rosemary Cookie! The spa's back in business!'. She then took one look at the spa and all the hot syrup... and got all angry and frustrated!"

Cookie Run Witch's Castle (Female GingerBrave)Where stories live. Discover now