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The Cookies arrived at the Syrup Garden but exhausted from the journey.

GingerBright: "So... thirsty...!"

They then collapsed on the ground.

GingerBrave: "Ugh.... Why's this garden so dry...? Not a drop of syrup in sight..."

Wizard Cookie: "This garden is bone dry.... Almost as dry as the oven..."

GingerCandy: "I don't see any caretaker here... must have abandoned the place."

That was when Strawberry Cookie realized something.

Strawberry Cookie: ".... OH?! My bag! Oh, my bad! The bellhop packed us some snacks!"

The Cookies eyes sparkled.

GingerBrave: "Oh...!!!"

Wizard Cookie: "What are we waiting for?!"

Strawberry Cookie gives her back to GingerBrave.

GingerBrave: "OOOH!"

Wizard Cookie: "What is it?!"

GingerBright: "JUICE?!"

But it was a stale bread.

GingerBright: "Crusty... bread..."

Strawberry Cookie: "Yup... bread..."

GingerCandy: "Well, the breads are not that bad."

Wizard Cookie: "Anything else?"

GingerBrave checks again.

GingerBrave: "OH HOOO!"

GingerBright: "Juice...! JUICE!!!"

But once again, it was bread. That was when GingerBright gave a dark aura which made GingerCandy back away since she saw her little creepy smile.

GingerBrave: "Ha... ha! What else...?!"

GingerCandy: "Bread again...?!"

GingerBrave hugs GingerCandy feeling scared at GingerBright's sinister laughter and here eye twitching. She then happily hops back at the hotel swinging her lollipop back and forth.

GingerBright: "I'm goin' back to the hotel!"

Strawberry Cookie & Wizard Cookie: "GingerBright, wait!"

GingerBrave: "We can't just sit around. There's gotta be something here! Let's search the area!"

And so, the Cookies started searching for food. "HEY GUYS! I THINK I FOUND SOMETHING!" shouts GingerCandy as she spots three filled golden syrups hidden under a pile of leaves.

Cookies: "WHOA! SYRUP!!!"

But suddenly, Wizard Cookie stops his friends.

Wizard Cookie: "Oh—STOP!"

GingerBrave: "What's the matter?"

Wizard Cookie: "Not a step further! That... is a trap!"

Strawberry Cookie & GingerCandy: "A trap?"

Wizard Cookie: "I've read about such things in a book about survival and camping."

GingerBrave: (A camping book?)

Wizard Cookie: "There's the bait.... Then the camouflage.... And a suspicious someone nearby..."

He points at someone hiding behind the leaves.

Wizard Cookie: "Yes.... This is defiantly.... A DELIBERATE TRAP!"

GingerCandy: "You know what, you could be right Wizard Cookie."

Cookie Run Witch's Castle (Female GingerBrave)Where stories live. Discover now