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The Cookies were running at the hallway in search of Sachertorte Cookie and the bandits. Marble Danish Cookie immediately stopped as he saw their path blocked.

GingerBrave: "Oof...! Ow, ow, ow!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Apologies for the sudden halt. But the path forward is blocked."

Wizard Cookie: "There must be another way around or..."

GingerBrave: "Let's get to work and get it outta the way!"

The cookies sweat dropped at GingerBrave's excitement.

Wizard Cookie: "Somehow, I knew you were going to yell that with your signature of enthusiasm..."

And so, the Cookies cleared the path.

GingerBrave: "We should keep moving and-."

Sachertorte Cookie: "My, my, my...."

She pulls out her umbrella.

Sachertorte Cookie: "You're 17 minutes late. Perhaps I've overestimated you lot."

Marble Danish Cookie: "There you are!"

But they suddenly fell into a trap and fall down.

GingerBrave: "We're gonna end up crumbs for sure!"

GingerBright: "NOOO! I don't wanna become crumbs!"

Wizard Cookie: "Hang on! We'll try and slow us down! Ready GingerCandy?!"

GingerCandy: "Right!"

GingerCandy and Wizard Cookie casted their spells. They somehow made them slowed down from falling and landed safely to the ground.

Wizard Cookie: "Ow, ow...! That was a bit rougher landing that I expected..."

GingerCandy: "Tell me about it..."

Wizard Cookie: "Is everyone alright?"

Strawberry Cookie: "Phew...! You saved us, GingerCandy and Wizard Cookie!"

GingerBrave: "Haha! We're all okay! That was amazing! But... where are we?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "By the looks of it... I believe we have arrived at the lounge, on the sixth floor. And to think, the Syndicate was within our grasp...!"

GingerBrave: "Everything's gonna be okay! Now that we know where we are, we just need to keep moving forward and find them again!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Yes.... Your optimism is not unfounded. But I must say, you and your sisters are a rather odd one."

GingerBrave: "We... huh?"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Pursuit after pursuit, we've failed to properly apprehend these bandits. Yet your bravery and optimism gives me hope. I dare say that you are-."

But their conversation was cut off by Sachertorte Cookie.

Sachertorte Cookie: "Well, well. It would seem I've stumbled upon an interesting and heartfelt conversation. I wonder what'll happen if the young master's new friend is suddenly... removed from the equation?"

Suddenly she and GingerCandy were tied up.


Strawberry Cookie: "Sachertorte Cookie just...!"

Wizard Cookie: "What do we do?!"

GingerCandy: "Grr.... You fiend! Is this how you threaten innocent Cookies!?!"

Marble Danish Cookie: "Remain clam! We shall rescue GingerBrave and GingerCandy at all costs!"

Marble Danish Cookie then jumps up in the air and slices the rope with his sword. Freeing the girls.

Cookie Run Witch's Castle (Female GingerBrave)Where stories live. Discover now