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The four Cookies. Rosemary Cookie, Wizard Cookie, GingerCandy and GingerBright came out and saw GingerBrave collapsed on the ground.

GingerBright: "GingerBrave!!! Sister, are you ok?!"

GingerBrave: "Urgh..."

Wizard Cookie: "What happened?!"

Rosemary Cookie: "She's wandered the brush. Her dough is scratched."

GingerBrave then spoke up.


Cookies: "Wha...?"

That was when Rosemary Cookie noticed Radish Cookie was not there.

Rosemary Cookie: "Where's Radish Cookie?!"

Then Radish Cookie appeared.

Radish Cookie: "I'm here!"

Rosemary Cookie: "Radish Cookie...!!!"

The cookies went to her.

GingerCandy: "What happened Radish Cookie!?"

Radish Cookie: "I used every shortcut I knew but.... The Reaper.... She got away..."

Wizard Cookie: "Then Strawberry Cookie is...?!"

Rosemary Cookie: "This can't be..."

That was when Radish Cookie stood up.

Radish Cookie: "I'm not giving up!!! The Reaper can't have gotten too far.... We can do this if we fight together and-."

But Rosemary Cookie stopped her by her cutting off.

Rosemary Cookie: "Stop that rambling nonsense about fighting!!! You haven't changed at all...!"

Rosemary Cookie had flashback of her friends being taken away.

Rosemary Cookie: "I can't... I can't lose any more of my friends... I need to find a way.... Where no one gets hurt... I must save everyone.... No matter the cost.... This is the way..."

The she tells the Cookies what they must do.

Rosemary Cookie: "The greenhouse."

GingerCandy: "The greenhouse?"

GingerBright: "What that?"

Rosemary Cookie: "There's a secret greenhouse built in the garden. Within that greenhouse... is the answer to saving everyone."

GingerBrave: "Then let's gets moving...!"

GingerBright: "Um, are you sure you're OK???"

GingerCandy: "GingerBright is right, sister."

GingerBrave: "If we can... save Strawberry Cookie... a few broken crumbs won't stop me!"

Rosemary Cookie: "Come. Follow me."

The cookies then followed her.

Rosemary Cookie: "I won't lose anyone again.... Never again..."

Meanwhile, with Strawberry Cookie. She immediately woke and looked at her surroundings. It looked like she was in a sweet torture room.

Frightened, Strawberry Cookie starts to walk and avoided anything that was scary or harmful.

Strawberry Cookie: "Where...?"

That was when she saw the Reaper and hid behind a giant fruit.

Strawberry Cookie: "The R-R-Reaper...! I got... captured.... What.... What's going on...?"

Cookie Run Witch's Castle (Female GingerBrave)Where stories live. Discover now