You May Be Fast But I'm Furious

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You May Be Fast But I'm Furious

I contemplated saying something to be a wise-ass; but did I really want to risk getting the crap beat out of me this early in the morning NO!I ran from the parking lot as fast as I could inhaling the chill morning air .I could hear their heavy stampede of footstep right behind me. I pushed myself harder my hair whipped out behind me the loose ponytail held together by my hair came apart. My hair was punishing my eyes; it slashed at my already moist eyes as I fought back tears.

I looked around for somewhere to lose them and ran through the alley and ran straight made a left and met my burial ground .I was cornered in and the fence was too high for me to climb but there was no way I was letting them catch me in an alley. I jumped on the gate and heard one of the bunch call to the rest of them. The thrower smirked watching me then tilted his head forward and his stupid tail came and grabbed my leg as I was about to swing it over and yanked it roughly catching me in his arms extracting a sharp gasp from me as my heart fell into my stomach.

"You're pretty fast." The thrower said.

I burned holes into his feet with my eyes. I bit the inside of my cheek as he reached out a backhanded me. I tasted a sweet irony liquid I was all too familiar with... it was my blood.

"Dude! Don't --king hit her she's still a girl."

One of the idiots chasing me said. "Oh what did you think he was going to do when he chased me down you frickin' nincompoop." Be a good girl and apologize." I continued to look at the floor he grabbed my chin and backed me up to the wall and my head hit it, dots swarmed my vision.

"Dude you doing a bit much calm down."

"Shut up! Stop being such a pussy! She isn't anyone. She could die right here and no one would care!"

"Alright, fuck it we're outta here! Your outta control man."

The other three walked off one of them looked back concern swimming in his eyes his eyes said he was sorry. I didn't want his fucking apology. The thrower looked down at me sneering he pulled my face up to him. "You're kind of cute." he said like he was disgusted but pleased at the same time. He brushed my hair out my face and learned in to kiss me. His nasty breath stunk of cigarettes and chewed burger and just a hint of morning breath yay. The cigarettes were most likely Newports I wanted to heave but bit my lip holding it back.

He started pressing his arousal against my leg and I wanted to cry. My eyes burned with unshed tears and I felt like screaming. The tears finally rolled down my cheeks and he laughed at me. I stood there shaking and falling apart on the inside. His hands slithered up my shirt and he grabbed my breast and started fondling them. They hardened being sensitive to the cold air and his hands.

"You like this kind of thing don't you! Slut."

I whimpered trying to find my voice to do something. I shut my eyes praying he'd just go away. "Please leave me alone..." My voice was barely a whisper and by then I was shaking like a leaf. I was afraid it isn't usually something I like to admit but in my situation right now that was the least of my problems.

"Oh! So you do talk. Why should I stop? Doesn't it feel good?" I shook my head and he laughed at me again. "Fine I'll make it feel good then" He ignored me and his hand reached between my thighs and I wanted to just fade away. Please God, Please if you truly love me .Please don't let him hurt me. I cried and cried and I was choking on my sobs when I heard a big door screech.

"Let her go..." A guy in a black hoodie said.

"Nah man, we're ok she's m-my girlfriend mind your business." I looked at the guy praying he'd look back at me and see it wasn't true.

He walked toward the thrower taking his hoodie and wrapping it around me. He pulled the thrower off me and glanced back at me "Turn around and don't open your eyes." I nodded positive I did not want to piss off my only hope at the moment. I heard the thrower mutter something and could hear the familiar sound of the thump when someone was hit in the face by fist. I cringed inwardly but stayed facing the wall. I heard thumping, groans, heavy breathing and then nothing after a few minutes "You're safe..." The guy picked me up and I handed him my car keys.My body sagged and I could feel my eye roll back behind their lids.

"They won't hurt you anymore I promise." That's the last thing I heard before the dark consumed me and I didn't care what happened to me afterward.He wouldn't save me to hurt me would he?

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