Daddy's Little Girl

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I stirred but I could tell I wasn't outside. "You have to stop winding up in my bed...well in situations of this nature at least.My eyes widened I was here again....wait it looked different his room wasn't this size before. "Where are we?.." My place....oh so noticed I moved same everything bigger room need more space.." "Oh." He chuckled it was so whimsical and light that she finally turned to look at him. She frowned. "Frowning doesn't become you ..I know you dont like it but for now this is how it has to be." He was wearing the mask again she reached out tempted to see i he'd let her take it off and she was almost there when he grabbing her hand not rough but to just keep her hands at bay. "Are you curious? Why does it matter what I look like." "There's something I can't complete if I dont know what you look like.." I murmured Why the hell am  I telling him this?!He is probably gonna think I'm crazy if he knows I've been drawing him. "Really? What is it?" "Nothing."I said briskly he looked at me then he dropped it.The room was quiet not a bad quiet but I didn't want it to be quiet I wanted to hear his voice more I don't know why but I did.The time we have was limited then I remembered where he had found me realization gripped me but I couldn't get the word's out. "Your voice is beautiful....but haunting what are you so afraid of?" He said reffering to my singing.  "How?...How did you find me?" I wasn't going to get him to answer me but if I couldn't know what he looked like then he couldn't ask me something as personal as that. His brow arched in surprise and he smirked my eyes dropped to lips making my heart beats trip over one another.

I glanced at the clock it was around the time school actually let out which meant I could still make it to practice.I was about to get up when I looked over and notice my clothes on a chair neatly folded and by my clothes  meant all of it.If I was any other girl I would have screamed and threw a fit asking how I got naked in the first place but with two questions still hanging in the air i stood taking his covers with me when I felt the pain on my side.I had a bruise the size of a oreo on my ribs."Yoiu fell on a blunt rock before I could reach you." I noticed when he said that he started to shake ignoring the fact that he was in fact a man for one two i was naked and three he was a practial stranger..who I owed my life and virtue to I put my hand over his and he immediately stopped shaking but when he looked up at me his eyes weren't a blazing emerald like usual.The were hooded and dark..mossy almost and I could feel him staring at the white overs wrapped around my practically alabaster skin the material suddenly made me feel naked infront of him with the way he was looking at me.

I shook my head trying to get back my common sense but I coudn't ever for words.My face heated up and my cheeks flushed bright red.I took my clothes up and when I turned around I could only see his hair as he walked through the door.I slumped on the bed breathing like I had run a mile.I didn't even realize I was holding my breath I dressed faster than ever and I grabbed my back taking the stairs to exit without saying goodbye and froze when I was out the door. HE LIVED IN THE OLD MANSION ACROSS THE STREET FROM ME.I couldn't tell if I was terrified or excited and when I looked back up at the room I'd just ran from he had the sheets I was wrapped in in his hands and moved the curtains.The almost removed his mask until I moved up more trying to see his face.He finally noticed I was directly below but he just stared out the window with this longing in his eyes than made me run.And I didn't stop running until I got to school again.

My phone pinged almost giving me a heart attack and I check it.I loked at the inbox I'd gotten on 'my' profile. A cute boy had messaged me. "Hey Tiffbear where have you been you haven't written on your wall in a long time we're worried about you."That's when I noticed I haven't paided attention to my Fakebook since I had met him. I typed a message back."I'm so sorry please let everyone know I'm okay and I've just been swamped with a final project for my art class.Your really sweet for checking up on me."I pressed send and set my phone in my locker attaching two combo locks because I havent been able to keep my stuff safe because of my past history. I walked to my pian teachers house a block down from school and she opened the door for me."Hey Ms.Wolfe how are you?" "Great dear but come in you look like you just ran a mile." "I chuckled at the irony of that statement.If only she knew I had just ran a mile from a dizzingly beautiful person with eyes that give looks that should be illegal.



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2013 ⏰

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