The voice of the Luna Dea

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I sat up quickly grabbing my stuff after checking the clock I had been out for two periods.I walked into my art class taking out the permission slip I took from the nurse desk and tossing it down my art teachers table.I walked to the back and started the canvas that we were walking on I worked in the back so none of them could see my art.They were always surprised that I always submitted two projects  one had been called anonymous and the other I made agonizingly mediocre.I'm sure the teacher knew why I did this.Who would buy a beautiful piece like the one's I made if they knew it was from the school reject the girl with the presence of air.

The piece she was working now was of a old Victorian bedroom where a girl sat in a mirror with a brushing her hair and on the left side of the girl's shoulder was the tattoo of silhouette of a wolf howling at the moon.Her window was open and outside of the window was the moon large and full.I had been in a trance slowly getting drawn into my painting when I noticed someone's presence. "It's amazing..." Behind me was a girl who I could not understand for the life of me what reason she had to approach me.Naturally, I quickly covered my art and lifted it up to my reserved room in the art class and shut the door and put the key back in it's hiding place.I turned around to the girl that had seen my work; she was still there and that in itself surprised me I had no more classes considering I only need three more credits to graduate so I was technnically done for the day.I wanted to go get my work I missed this morning but I had a probem she looked like she wouldn't leave until I spoke to her.

I looked around the class had already emptied at this point in time so I turned to her and she just stared at me expectantly. "Thank you ?" That was it the one word she'd get out of me.But that didn't bother me at all.Her lip twitched and then she doubled over laughing like I said something funny. "My apologies--" She said between gasping for air I mentally rolled my eyes she's wasting my time. "Accepted now if you'll excuse me..." "Oh, I'm surprised you speak considering how your the girl with the presence of a atom at this school.Not to be disrespectful but why do they treat you like this?" 

In turn my lip twitched of its own accord however it was in annoyance, I had never met anyone that was this oblivioously blunt. I turned my eyes on her not that she could see them narrowed in her direction. "Isn't it obvious? Humans are cruel, every last person has a purpose in life and every purpose is twisted, hateful and demented." I smiled at her response her face had completely of color. "You can't trust anyone...What makes me curious is why YOU are acknowledge this lowly atom. I nothing you  desire, and if you like yourself you'd best not be seen speaking to me. You will never serve this school if you do." She opened her mouth to saw something, her mouth was gaping like a fish and then she shut it. I nodded acknowledging her for the last time and left." I never claimed that I could be just as blunt.After all I was my father's daughter.

I walked past the foot ball field and into the forest to my favorite place.I removed my shoes to appreciate mother nature for what she was her good and her bad bearing the sharp rocks and the contrast of the soft dewy grass.I reache my favorite meadow which hung behind a two minute wall of vines protecting it from  unworthy eyes.I reached ito the trunk of an old tree and sat under my farovite tree and I started to sketch him again this would be my third drawing.The first was a picture of his face covered with the mask and I had not drawn his eyes in they were black empty holes.The picture showed the ridges in his face and it was like if I pictured his eyes in the mask I could feel that...that eeling whatever it was radiating from it.The second picture was a picture of two eyes extremely large but so detailed however I would color them in. I couldn't trust my memory it would betray me and I would never get color of his eyes right. I can't understand why I'm obssessing over a mand who's face I don't even know. But if I could draw his touch the feelings in his hooded eyes the way he said my name if I could draw or paint those I would.

i could sing of them but I vowed I'd never sing for another person to hear again only..for me.I closed my eye securing my sketchbook and walkingto the stream about five minutes from where i sat and I put my toes into the soothing waters.I closed my eyes humming softly so softly than you'd imagine my voice was just the vibration of the air around you. I remember her voice....and she gave me her gift when she left and now it's becoming a blessing and a curse.I inhaled keeping my eyes closed and I began to sing.

  Shivering in the darkness that is your eyes, holding on to a batte I can't fight.Pulling me oh so --tightly into your eyes and blind-ing me.I can feel you touch I can sense your gaze I find you again.But I hope your listening. I close my eyes and hope you see me in the emerald blaze of your eyes.

Touch me...Hold me...Your haunting me my sweet...strumming me and stroking me heart is quivering in your touch ,I blush and hide all my dreams. In your eyes the wolf cry "Are you listening?" Ohhhh Oh o OHHhh  Chasing me into the night I run from you but I'll ne'er hide .

Clapping started behind me causing me to violently open my eyes and I swore I could die at moment. "What the hell are you doing here?How'd you find this place?" "Now that's no way to saw hello to an old friend love." I opened my eyes half confused,half shocked until it set in .......s-some had heard me sing.I couldn't keep it together fainting I fell back into a blanket of cool water and then last thin I heard was a growl and someone grabbing me up out of the water.



Question for my reader I wrote the lyrics to this do you guys want me to finish it and post a link to the song?

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