Por--I mean photography

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By the time I had gotten to school I could tell something was different the school was loud and mean louder than it normally was I mean this was high school after all.The lobby was packed with people who obviously couldn't decide what side of the hallway they and their human sized backpacks wanted to be on which irritated the hell out of me. Then of course the bell rang and some idiot bolted past me with my coffee cup in hand causing it to fly into the air then launch itself and its contents onto the bane of my existence Blake. Of all the the things to happen to me it had to be him. Of course I whirled around to beat in the face of the kid who did it only he looked back at me and split. You could practically see the steam coming out my ears.

"HEY TRASH! COME .HERE." That rude son of a b--- ughhh could my life get any worse. "Clean me off." Of course it can. " Why can't you do it ? I can get you some napkins or something." He scowled walking up to me I noticed anyone that was left started to leave not wanting to be witnesses to my death..cowards. "BECAUSE I.WANT.YOU.TO" "It wasn't even my fault so I don't think I have to be the one to clean it off of you it was my coffee but it isn't like I launched it at your head or anything..I got on my knees cleaning his shoes off. WHAT! Do you think I want my face bashed in by so neanderthal this early in the morning your wrong.He grabbed my hair holding me infront of him "HEY GUYS CHECK IT OUT SHE WANTS TO GET LAID SO BAD SHE'LL GO PUBLIC!" I heard cheering anf laughing and the the murmurs of people who knew it was horrible but wouldn't step up and say anything. So I got up and ran straight into the little girls room to breath.I couldn't stop hyperventailating and after a free minutes none of it mattered anymore I couldn't feel it. I heard a loud screeching scream before I was completely enveloped in darkness.

I stirred and I could hear the annoying click of fingernails on a keyboard so I tried to open my eyes and sat up and my head swam."I wonder what happened to her she looks so pale..." "It was probably the trauma has anyone called her parents?" -- (silence) Yeah I bet no one had the balls to call 'daddy'.

I sat up holding my head and supressing a groan. "Umm I don't think you should be sitting up just yet." I turned my empty stoney glare to the person who had spoken and I saw the goosebumps rise on her arms."I--I'll leave you alone now ok hope you feel better."  I looked at the school nurse and then to look at the guy who'd asked if anyone had called my parent. He paused just enough for me to catch his broad shoulders shrugging out the door into te hallway and away fro me.

All I new was this was going to be one long ass week.

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