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People say ; don't reapt the mistake or you get hurt

XVIII ; save or caught

"I said I don't like to repeat" soobin said yeonjun look up and again look down.

"I am come from other kingdom" yeonjun said trying to change his voice which he thinks that it can work but it is really working?

Soobin glare at that person and speak "look up" soobin said and yeonjun slowly look up his black obr meet with soobin brown obr.

No one is talking, that are just staring at eachother looking lost. Yeonjun heart beating fast. Sweat are not stoping.

Soobin last time look at him as he moved away. Without saying anything he walk in other way.

Yeonjun sigh in relief as he thinks soobin don't know that he is behind that mask.

He smiled widely but then sudden thought hit him. "Didn't he going toward the castle" and again yeonjun heart flip.

He have to inside the castle before soobin came. He can't let soobin find out.

Without Caring anything he start walk fastly towards the castle.

When he see no one is around. he start running he open the back door. And fastly come where his room window.

And one thing skip from his lips "shit" as he look up the hight of wall there is no any way he can climbed that up.

He look at himself he is not wearing a proper cloth to walk over the main gate.

He taking deep breath and thinking what should he do there is no way that he will get caught.

"Think yeonjun, think" he told himself as he start slowly taking his step towards the main gate and luckily it's no one there.

"They must go for look around" yeonjun said to himself he tip toe and walk slowly and fastly.

More like he running without making any sound. He open the gate and look around he see the maids are busy in kitchen.

He take deep breath and "in 3.....2....1" yeonjun run in fast speed like beomgyu is running behind him with slippers for eating his fruit.

As that movement is something like that. Because not getting killed by beomgyu after eating his favourite fruit. It's now yeonjun speaclity.

He always come out by touching his death. As right now.

He quickly go up and close the door. He sigh in relief. Leaning against the door while closing his eyes

And announcement occur "the king is coming in castle"

Yeonjun open his eyes he look down at himself "not wearing good cloth first are all over, yeonjun you fucked up" he said to himself as he run inside the wash room.

He quickly change his cloth and wash his face. He hiss in pain as he look at his finger which still have cut

He forget about that but for now he don't have time. He look at himself in mirror as he hear the door opening sound.

Yeonjun bite his lower lip and take deep breath. He last time look at himself in mirror.

He held the doorknob he can do that. He told himself. As he unlock the door and-

"Oh you came" yeonjun said acting suprised as he didn't hear that he coming in.

Soobin just nod he take one towel and walk inside the washroom.

Yeonjun sigh in relief and clap his hand in happiness.

Thinking that he didn't get caught and soobin don't get suspicious?

Yeonjun have luck with him didn't he?


Yeonjun and soobin walking downstairs.

Yeonjun still felt those eyes on him. They not stop looking at him.

His eyes roma around and he sigh. He thinking alot. Still can't find out who actually take all the happiness from this family.

He have to find out.

As soon as they walk towards dinning table. Yeonjun again stand beside head maid.

Soobin look at him and sigh. He take his sit. While the maid come to serve.


"Mom come and sit" yeonjun said "yes mom please come" gyb said with puppy eyes.

There mother chuckle "I will buy let me serve" she said.

"Why? What is maid for?" Gyu said while yeonjun smack him "respect them" he said while gyu rubbed the area where he get hit.

"Because in ancient time said that if someone from the family serve the food, then that kingdom never have food deficiency and the family members live s long life" she said.

While both of them nod there head in response.


"Why you don't live long?" Yeonjun whisper to himself. Rembering those pervious movement which he shared with his mother.

He look at choi's family. As he see the serving about to start.

He look at the head maid who are standing next to him. "Can I serve the food?" He ask im soft and sweet voice.

The maid look at him with shocked while yeonjun awkwardly smile at her thinking that he ask something wrong. "It's okay if I can't-" yeonjun can't complete his sentence.

And the maid smile widly "of course, you can, qneen" she said and lowers her head. She look around and while the all server stop. Everyone look at yeonjun with confusion.

Yeonjun glup as he look at all of them. He take deep breath. He again look at the head maid and she nod.

Yeonjun cleared his throat "I will serve the food from now on" he announced with confidence.

Tae and Kai look at him and their eyeseet with shocked well they are not expecting this. Because they think yeonjun never take them as family.

But here we are.

He take deep breath and start servings the food.

He finally come in front of soobin. Soobin looking at him with unreadable eyes with unknown expression.

Yeonjun try not to make but he nervous very nervous. And the way soobin looking at him is not helping at all.

And he spilled the some curry on his hand as he hiss in pain because that's finger where he get that cut.

"Where you get hurt?"

Soobin asked in a deadly voice looking no glaring at the maid.


Do you really think soobin is not caught him?? Let see in next chapter as this chapter is so long ass.

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