13. Awkward Silences

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It was a busy day. Full of assigning chores, rooms and hugs. The adults were chattering happily and Jamie and I were sitting in my room on the bed discussing all the changes that happened since our last visit. 

I didn't even bother to check on Kelly. As soon as my mom began asking who wanted which guest bedroom. Kelly immediately chose the biggest one that overlooked Kaleb's backyard. Unfortunately, it was right next to mine. 

On the bright side, Jamie agreed to stay with me in my room. Being the sweet thing she is, she graciously offered to take the sleeping bag. 

I snorted in laughter. Jamie was short and thin. I could fit two of her in my clothes. That's how tiny she was. 

"Nonsense. We'd fit on my bed. You're definitely not sleeping on the floor!" I explained. 

"No really. I don't mind sleeping on the--" She began to protest. 


Jamie looked like she was about to argue but after I shot her my famous puppy dog face, she caved and grinned. 

"Okay fine!" 

I cheered and steered her towards my closet. I had already made room in there to be able to fit her clothes a few minutes ago. We slowly started unpacking her bags and clothes and hung them up in my walk in closet. 

Two hours later, we were finally done. 

"So what now?" Jamie began.

"Um...want to go for a walk?" I offered lamely. 

Jamie laughed but nodded. We grabbed our shoes and quickly fled the house before Kelly came down and asked to join us. 

This time I remembered to lock my room and my art studio. Yes I have a lock on both those doors. I never use it to stay away from my parents even when I'm mad. It's made specially for Kelly. 

Without thinking about it, my feet started taking me in the direction of Kaleb's house. Just as I was about to turn around. Jamie grabbed my hand and smiled. 

"Let's go see Kaleb. Warn him that his fan club is here!" She started walking towards his house. 

I hadn't told her the reason why I was avoiding him. I knew it would turn into a big deal if I acted like I was avoiding my best friend so I sighed and followed her to his house. 

Ringing the doorbell, I waited for Linda to open the door. Footsteps echoed from the other side and Jamie giggled excitedly and hid behind the door. 

To my surprise, Kaleb opened the door.

"What do you want??" he was rubbing his eyes tiredly. 

"Um. Hi. It's me." 

Suddenly, his head shot up and the sleep vanished from his eyes. He stared at me for a second too long before he opened his mouth to question my sudden appearance on his doorstep.

Before he could get a word in, Jamie jumped up from behind the door and jumped on Kaleb. 

Kaleb was obviously not expecting a 90 pound short girl to jump on him from behind his door. But once he recognized Jamie, he laughed and spun her around. 

"Hey! What are you doing here!?" He motioned for both of us to come in. I closed the door behind me as Kaleb and Jamie went further into the kitchen to talk more about her surprise visit.

I took a seat at the kitchen island stools and listened to my two friends chatter on and on.

I motioned at them that I was going to make some mango and orange smoothies. That was my usual drink whenever I was over at Kaleb's house. For some unknown reason, his mangoes tasted so good!

Oh. Wait no! I didn't mean it like that. That sounded really bad. Let me explain. Kaleb had an apple and mango tree in his huge backyard. We spent countless afternoons under the shade of those trees, just talking and laughing. Those memories made me smile.

What am I doing? Why am I avoiding my best friend? I should just go apologize.

I set the three glasses down after filling it with my special concuction and carried them out to the island. I awkwardly waited for a lull on thr conversation.

Suddenly, they both stopped talking and finally saw me standing there, sipping my juice with a spongebob straw like a five year old. They both turned around and looked at me expectantly.

That was my cue. I cleared my throat and glanced at Kaleb. He was looking at me with his head cocked to the side. Adorable.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I finally spoke after having the awkwardest staring contest with mu friends.

"Um. Can I talk to Kaleb for a second?"

Jamie nodded and moved her hand to motion for me to talk.

"Alone actually."

Jamie looked surprised but nodded. I grabbed Kaleb's arm and draggex him to the study room.

"Hi." I stupidly said.

He raised an eyebrow. "You called me here to say hi?"

"What? No! I wanted to say...um...I'm sorry for...ignoring you for the past few days. I'm not sure why I did that. I guess I just felt a little embarassed? I mean not that-"

I was cut off from my incessant rambling when Kaleb hugged me. I inhaled his familiar scent and melted into his arms.

"You're forgiven" His deep voice rumbled through his body and I could feel the vibrations.

I smiled up at him.


"Let's go back out yeah? Before Jamie thinks you murdered me." He chuckled.

I stuck out my tongue at him and followed him out. Jamie was in the exact same spot where I left her.

"Do you want a refill? I might have made too much and there's some left over inside." I asked Jamie who was sipping away at her empty cup.

She nodded furiously and basically shoved the cup at me. I caught it before it fell to the floor and glared at her.

Sheepishly she said, "Sorry?"

I rolled my eyes and went to get her a refill. I was so glad that things we back to normal with me and Kaleb. Now for the bad news.

"Hey Kaleb. You know what Jamie's visit means right?" I called out while walking around with Jamies second smoothie.


Me and Jamie grinned eerily at him and together we said, "Kelly's here."

Two updates in one day? What??? I felt bad for such a small chapter that I wrote a second chapter today. Enjoy. Please vote and leave comments.

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