14. So Where Are We Going?

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Sorry guys! My laptop broke and I had to wait for a temporary replacement. I tried typing it up on my phone but it took FOREVER! Also please remember that I am a junior in high school and I have a lot of college related stuff and school work to keep up with so I won't be able to update every single day but I will try and update every other day or whenever I get a chance.  I won't keep yapping so go ahead and enjoy reading. (Sorry again for my absence)


Right after we dropped that unfortunate bomb on poor little Kaleb, my phone rang obnoxiously in the prolonged silence that followed. 


"Why are you giggling?" My mother's lovely warm greeting welcomed me. 

"Why hello mother. I'm good thanks." 

"Sorry honey, what I meant to say is hi, where are you?" Her persistent questioning made me smile. She'll never change. 

"Um. I'm at Kaleb's. Before you yell, it was all Jamie's idea!" 

At the mention of her name, Jamie looked up and cocked her head. I grinned back and turned my back so I could continue to blame my cousin for my mother's incoming wrath. 

"Oh well. I wasn't going to yell. God I'm not some evil harpy waiting for a chance to yell at my beautiful caring daughter." 

I raised my eyebrow. Oh yea definitely. 

"Ok spill. What do you want?"

I could almost see my mom's offended look as she said, "Why would you  think I want something?"

For some weird reason, it seems like the roles of mother and daughter are reversed. Well maybe because it has. 

"Seriously. What is it?"

"Ok ok fine! Can you please ask Kaleb and his mother to join us for dinner?"

I stiffed a laugh. 

"Why of course. I would love to!" 

"Wait why are you so enthusiastic?" 

"Oh um. It's nothing. I gotta go. I'll see you in 30 minutes! Ok bye!"

I rushed out a goodbye and hung up before she could ask more questions. What a great idea! I was smiling evilly in my head and apparently on my face too because when I turned around both Jamie and Kaleb looked at me with scared, apprehensive looks on their faces. 

"Why do you look like that?" Kaleb asked.

I gave a quick mental evil laugh and smiled wider. 

"Oh nothing. Go get dressed. We're going out."

"What? No we're not! Where are we goi-"

I cut him off with a shooing motion with my hands. He just stared at me before sighing and leaving to get changed. 

"What is up with you?" Jamie questioned. 

"My mom just invited Kaleb and Linda for dinner." I gleefully informed her. 

"Ok so? Why does that..." Realization dawned on her and she smirked. 

"Oh my god. You are so evil!" I just laughed in return and started cleaning up the mess I made in the kitchen. While I was washing the glasses, I felt Kaleb's body heat on the right side of my body. I suppressed a shiver and looked up at him through my lashes. 

"You don't have to wash the dishes. I can do it."

I shook my head at his hand that was stretched towards the cup I was holding. 

"No it's fine. My hands are already dirty so leave it."

He shook his head and nodded. 

"Oh and please tell your Mom to come to my house when she's done with work. My mom needed to talk or something." I called out to his retreating back. 

He gave me a thumbs up without looking back and continued walking to the living room to clean up his gaming system that he was playing before we barged into his house.

Jamie finally finished her drink, handed me the cup and skipped to the bathroom, no doubt to fix her hair and makeup. Maybe it was the way she was brought up or her family status that had forced her to always present herself in a stately and professional manner. Even with me, I would catch her patting down nonexistent stray aways and pulling down her shirt to modestly cover herself. She wasn't a turtleneck wearing nun but she wasn't the girl next door who attended college frat parties dressed like a hooker. I was busy ranting in my head that I almost didn't notice the approaching footsteps. 

"So are you going to tell me where we're going?"

His voice was suddenly at my ear. I jumped at the proximity and hesitantly shook my head. 

"It's a surprise. I'm sure you'll....hate it."

I smirked at his reaction from my words. He paled and I could practically see his wheels turning imagining all the places I could be taking him that he detested. 

"Seriously though. Where are we going?"

I shook my head again and smiled when I heard his groan of frustration. 

"Pwease kitten? Won't you please tell me?" His voice cutely sang out from behind me. I made the mistake of looking back and froze in my spot. His face was twisted in the most adorable puppy dog look I had ever seen. And believe me, I'd seen my fair share. Even I had my own puppy dog face but his put mine to shame. 

Stay strong Maddie. It's a trick. Stay strong. Stay st---ok well maybe one hint wouldn't hurt. My eyes softened as I took in the sight before me. Kaleb's bright green eyes were opened wide, staring non blinking into mine as he sucked in his lower lip in a child like pout. His hands were clasped tightly as if praying. I internally melted at this and caved in. 

"Ok ok...fine I'll tell you. We're heading to-"

I was interrupted by Jamie's reentry into the kitchen. 

"What's going on. You're done washing the cups right? So let's go!" she demanded. Who knew such a small girl could be so bossy. 

"Aye aye captain!" I saluted her and smirked at Kaleb's frantic expression as he tried to regain his puppy dog look so I could spill. 

"Why do you look constipated? Do you need to go to the bathroom?" Jamie's confused voice stopped Kaleb from trying to rearrange his facial expressions. 

I don't think I've ever laughed that hard in my life. Kaleb's cheeks turned pink and he stopped out of the kitchen and into the foyer to put on his shoes. I grinned and hooked my hand around Jamie and we stepped out together towards our dinner date. 


Vote. Leave a comment. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. More of a filler really. Some Kaleb and Maddie action going on in the next chapter :)

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