5. High School Drama

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3 years passed and Kaleb and I became close friends. Now that we were in our junior year, we had almost all of our classes together except for math and art. Well that's because I was taking art as my elective and he was taking computer programming classes. Anyways, during the first week, being friends with Kaleb was awkward and uncomfortable but over time we got used to being around each other. Some people even say that we were more like a couple than we were friends. I guess in some ways it was true. From the very start, there was a connection that allowed me to feel like myself immediately after I met Kaleb and having science, history, gym, lunch and french together didn't really give us any distance. Out of the 8.5 hours I spent in school, 6 hours or maybe even more were spent with Kaleb.

Right now I was waiting by my locker to go to our first period French class. And as usual he was late. I checked my phone and hovered my finger over the green call button next to his name. Before I pressed down I heard a breathy, "I'm here! I'm here!"

"Cutting it a little close aren't we?"

"Yea yea. I'm here now right?"

Kaleb's hair is all over the place and I can tell he rode his motorcycle here. He hurriedly pushes his hand through his locks and walks to my locker. Since it's already open, he just grabs his textbooks and slams it shut. Kaleb's locker is on the other side of the building and most of his classes are here in his part of the building so he usually just stores his books in my locker to save him time of running back and forth from the east wing to the west wing. The rest of the day passes in a blur and I struggle to keep myself awake.

"Hey so did you hear about the block get together yet?"

Kaleb's voice cuts through my haze and I pick up my head from the table. It's lunchtime and I feel like crawling into a ball and sleeping. You might be wondering why I'm so tired. Well because, I had a HUGE science project due and my partner, Amanda Mills was supposed to finish her part of it but being the empty headed blonde cheerleader she is, she passed out from alcohol overdose when she was at a frat party so I had to finish it the night before it was due. I probably got just 2 hours of sleep last night and all I could think about was how many electrons sodium nitrate had. In other words, I was going slightly crazy.

"Huh?" My mumbled grunt seemed to amuse Kaleb because he let out a throaty chuckle. The table vibrated and my hand automatically shot out to make him stop moving the table. I guess I missed his mouth because the next thing I know, he was clutching his forehead in pain.

"Oh God! Did I hit you!?"

"No I just enjoy holding my forehead from time to time."

Rolling my eyes at Kaleb's never ending sarcasm, I removed his hand from his forehead and winced at the red hand print on his skin.

"I am so sorry! I'm just really tired and I was trying to get you to stop laughing because you were moving the table and I just really needed..."

"Kitten. Shut up."

A faint blush rose to my cheeks at the sound of my nickname and I soundlessly handed him the cold bottle of Snapple to put on his forehead. A slightly awkward silence enveloped the table.

"Um. Anyways, what were you saying before? What block party?"

"Oh! It's a small-well actually really big- get together of all the families on our street and we're just going to be..."

That's right. Kaleb was my neighbor well actually, almost neighbor. His house was one street down so technically it was about 6 houses away from mine. We usually walked to school together (unless I had a before school thing) or he gave me a ride because I still hadn't turned 17 and I'm pretty sure I was the youngest one in my grade which actually sucked a lot because so many people were turning 18 and I was still 16 so they were technically 2 years older than me but we were in the same grade.

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