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"Welcome to the Princess Race! Where women from across the country will battle it out for the ultimate prize of becoming the bride of Prince Quànrui and Princess of the Kingdom of China! I am your host Sung Hanbin but i am not alone, with me is the Princess of the kingdom and the younger sister to the Prince, Princess Sang Zhi." Hanbin announced as the camera panned to a completely different room where Hanbin stood with Princess Sang Zhi.

"Your majesty , it is an honour to host alongside you." Hanbin bowed in respect as Sang Zhi nodded "Of course Hanbin, this will truly be an exciting experience after all." Sang Zhi said as Hanbin nodded "Let's see what will happens to the girls in their audition challenge."

The girls in the auditorium looked at the Prince in awe as the intercom ringed "Auditionees, welcome to your audition. It is a knowledge challenge, each of you will be asked a question by the Prince about his life, whoever gets it right will pass the audition and offically join the Princess Race." The intercom ringed as Elise's heart dropped.

She didn't know anything about the Prince aside from him being the Prince.

Women gathered up, relaying the facts they know about the Prince as Elise scrambled into one of the groups, forcefully of course.

"Remember the Prince lived in Los Angeles for 5 years." An auditionee said as Elise nodded "And also! He loves playing basketball." Another auditionee said as Elise scoffed "Easy." Elise said as the group looked at her before joining together and pushing her out of their group.

Elise landed butt first on something hard as she grunted "Hey!" Elise said to that group before sighing "my butt hurts." Elise commented as she heard someone clear their throat. Looking up to be met with a cold and stoic expression, Elise jumped before getting up "Oh I'm sorry." Elise apologised embarassed as the woman stared at her "My shoe costs more than your life, be careful next time." The woman said coldly before walking away. Elise looked at her before scrunching her nose up.

"Why is everyone so rude here!" Elise complained before unintentionally joining a hurdle of screaming girls.

The first girl got up on the stage where Prince Quànrui was sitting, his security guard behind him.

"Your majesty" the girl said excitedly bowing as Quànrui eyed her weirdly. "Your question is, What is my favourite colour?" Quànrui asked as the girl giggled "It's Emerald Blue." The girl said proudly as Quànrui chuckled "No, it's Gold." Quànrui  said bluntly as the girl's smile dropped."No!" The girl screamed as two guards grabbed her by the arm escorting her off the stage.

"What's my favourite book?"

"The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald."

"No it's Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon."

"No!!" Elise watched as the woman was escorted out. Kissing her teeth, he is seriously cruel.

"What's ny favourite drink?"

"Zizi banana milk your majesty."

"No it's iced green tea."

Elise watched the woman being picked up by a security guard and put on his shoulder after she fainted. Her position in the line was closer to the stage and she gulped nervously.

"What's my hobby?" Quànrui asked Rahne who bowed "Your majesty , your favorite thing to do in your spare time is basketball, running and indoor tennis." Rahne said confidently as Quànrui nodded smirking "Correct." Quànrui said as the girls gasped.

"Rahne is the first girl to go through well done !" Hanbin said as Princess Sang Zhi nodded "Guess she really knows the Prince." Sang Zhi said.

Rahne looked down at Elise from her position at the stage while smirking, Elise looked away. "I gotta go through." Elise whispered to herself.

The woman from earlier walked up to Quànrui as his grin faded. Looking up at him, she smiled "Hello my Prince."

"Oh what a surprise, Roh Jeongeui the daughter of South Korean president Roh Youngmin is at the competition today, the Prince and Jeongeui go way back." Hanbin said shocked as Princess Sang Zhi mirrored his expression "What a great surprise indeed!"

Quànrui smirked once more as he sat back into his seat "Aren't you at a  advantage right now?" Quànrui asked as Jeongeui looked down "I want to get through the audition rightfully your majesty." Jeongeui said as Quànrui shrugged " Okay then, what is my biggest fear?" Quànrui said as Jeongeui closed her eyes taking a deep breath.

"Your biggest fear your majesty.. is snakes." Jeongeui said as everyone went silent, Quànrui looked at her before saying "Correct." Jeongeui looked up, smiling faintly.

"Jeongeui is the second person to go through!" Hanbin announced.

Jeongeui went to go stand next to Rahne on the side of the stage in silence. "Hi, I'm Rahne." Rahne greeted as Jeongeui looked at her awaiting hand before looking ahead. Rahne putting her hand down awkwardly.

Afterwards, more girls started going through. When it was Elise's turn finally, she almost tripped off air causing Rahne to giggle softly, Jeongeui glanced at Rahne briefly before looking ahead at Quànrui.

"Hello your majesty." Elise bowed as Quànrui watched her bow. Elise held her breath for the question.

" Which university did i graduate from?" Quànrui asked as Elise felt her blood freeze.

She didn't know the question.

"Umm.." Elise began as Quànrui looked at her, raising an eyebrow. Rahne shook her head while crossing her arms. Elise shut her eyes as she thought hard...

Can you believe that Prince Quànrui graduated from Harvard University? Mary stated as Elise repackaged ramen noodles onto the shelves at the store. "Oh really?" Elise said distracted as Mary nodded her head "Yeah, he's so cool i can't believe he was able to get into the best university in America." Mary said as she admired his picture on her phone. Elise rolled her eyes.

"You act as if we will need to know this information to save our lives." Elise said skeptically as Mary shrugged "You never know."

"Harvard university!" Elise screamed out as Quànrui flinched surprised. Rahne widened her eyes, and Jeongeui looked at Elise confused. Elise cleared her throat

"Harvard university.. your majesty is the university you graduate from." Elise said as she felt small under those giant stage lights. 

Maybe she heard Mary wrong because Elise surrendered herself to be taken away by the security guards until...


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