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"Wow, in a twist of events Elizabeth Okayu has passed the audition." Hanbin said.

Elise walked over to the side of the stage as she stood next to another girl that passed. Her heart raced, if only she was that interested in the Prince like Mary she wouldn't be so nervous.

After a while of people being dragged off and people cheering because they passed the intercom ringed "Congratulations to the 30 girls that have gone through, welcome to the Princess Race." The intercom announced as the girls cheered, Elise and Rahne included. "From hereon you are all embroiled in a survival race to win the Prince's heart, China is watching you especially the Prince." The intercom said as Quànrui stood up, the girls cheering as the security guards held them back.

"Congratulations, we shall meet tomorrow." Quànrui announced as he walked down the stage out of the auditorium.

"Contestants, you will be living in a remote building organised by the royal kingdom." The intercom announced as Elise grinned "More good food!"

"Where is Elizabeth!" Mr Okayu screamed as Mary flinched, he wanted to go to Elise's room to inform her that John plans on visiting only to find her room empty and half of her clothes gone.

"She.. she is somewhere important." Mary informed as Mr Okayu crossed his arms "Where?" He ordered as Mary flinched again "Papa.. she's... she's on the Princess race!" Mary announced as Mr Okayu widened his eyes "What!"

"What!" Elise said as she sat up on her bed, holding her phone to her ear tightly "I panicked! ." Mary said still hyperventilating as Elise got out of her bed in the remote building contestants have to stay in. " What does he plan on doing?" Elise asked as Mary sighed "He wants to take you out of the Princess race." Mary said as Elise groaned" Oh no! Listen Mary, stall him." Elise ordered as Mary sighed "How! He's scary when he's angry." Mary argued as Elise shot back.

"Do you want to be the sister in law to John the farmer?"


The King and Queen of China dined in the large dining room as multiple servants attended to them and security guards stood on the side, Quànrui entered the dining room with his two body guards Jiwoong and Gunwook as everyone in the room expect his parents bowed in respect.

"I hear the ratings are doing well so far." The King said as Quànrui nodded taking his seat across from his mother "It's too early to tell father." Quànrui said as he was served his dinner. The King grunted a hearty laugh "what a witty idea of creating a reality show to make it seem as if your wife is not already decided." The king said as Quànrui stopped cutting into his steak. "Miss Roh, Jungmin's kid, make sure she is ranked high in your little show." The King uttered out as the Queen nodded "It is of utmost importance." The Queen replied as the King nodded in agreement.

"I need to also have choices." Quànrui said looking at his father "I am spending my entire life with this person, i don't love Jeongeui." Quànrui said as the King looked at him angrily "You are the next line to this throne, it is not about who you love. It is about continuing the royal bloodline." The king scolded as Quànrui frowned "You are not a little child." The King concluded as Quànrui clenched his jaw. 

The next morning , Elise woke up with struggle as the intercom ringed in everyone's room. "Contestants, the Prince requests for you to join him at the yard, get dressed and ready." The intercom announced as it ringed loudly. Elise sighed rubbing her face tiredly.

It was way too early for this.

A knock was heard on her door and Elise went up to the door , opening it before seeing a green folded tracksuit on the floor.

The girls all gathered up at the backyard as Elise yawned, Rahne came up behind her smiling. "You should really be planning what to wear for you and Farmer John's wedding." Rahne said as Elise turned around "Haha " Elise said blankly as Rahne laughed "I won't go easy on you cousin, just remember that." Rahne warned as Elise glared at her.

"Oh i know that, i won't go easy either. "

"Introducing the Prince of the Kingdom of China, Prince Quànrui!" The intercom announced as the girls squealed loudly, Quànrui made his way over in a black Rolls Royce.  His driver opened up the backdoor and he was wearing a Louis Vuttion tracksuit and the usual smirk that Elise depised.

"Contestants, welcome to your first challenge." Quànrui announced as everyone went silent. "As you all know, i have a background of loving sports. Your first challenge will is called Distance."

At that moment the intercom ringed as Elise's winced. She had to  go used to that shrieking sound.
"Contestants, your first challenge is called Distance, in this large backyard will be your obstacle course. You will have to run 2Km to get to your first clue, a treasure awaits for you at the finish line, run back in time to hand it to the Prince's trusted bodyguard Gunwook, you only have 30 minutes to complete this challenge." The intercom announced as Elise gulped.

She was super unfit to run.

The girls got ready at the starting line as Quànrui looked on from the patio, sitting in his designated chair.

"Hello viewers and welcome to the Princess Race!" Hanbin and Princess Sang Zhi said at the same time. "Today is a new day and the official start to our search for the new bride!" Sang zhi said as Hanbin nodded smiling "Right now, Prince Quànrui just announced the first game distance." Hanbin said.

The camera panned down to Rahne as Hanbin commented "Our strongest contestant so far is Rahne, she managed to pass the audition first, followed by Jeongeui." The camera panned down to Jeongeui "We should should really keep an eye on them both."

"Contestants, get ready in 3,2.." the intercom announced as Elise took a deep breath in before sighing loudly "1." The gun shot in the air as the girls ran, Elise pushing pass some girls to get to the front, Rahne doing the same thing. Jeongeui jogged at the back.

"And we are off! The contestants are all starting off strong." Hanbin commented as Quànrui looked at the ongoing race through his personalised monitor. 

Elise panted already, this was going to be a difficult challenge.

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