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The girls sat in a straight line at the dining table in their remote estate.  Elise sitting next to the Prince's assigned chair as she is the winner. Rahne fixed her hair as Jeongeui looked ahead waiting for Quànrui.

Jiyue and Caihong giggled excitedly as Elise's eyes darted to them. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! The Prince wants to have break fast with us!" Caihong said excitedly as Jiyue nodded "Oh i can't wait!" Jiyue said as the two clunged onto each other for support.

"Welcome the Prince of the Kingdom of China Prince Quànrui." The intercon announced as Elise along with the other four girls stood up. Quànrui along with Zhang Hao and his two trusted bodyguards Jiwoong and Gunwook. Everyone bowed in respect to Quànrui as Quànrui shrugged it off.

" Sit down." He ordered as the girls sat down. Elise watched in awe as Quànrui clapped twice before servants with large breakfast platters walked in. Elise immediately began to salivate and her stomach rumbled so loudly, both Quànrui and Rahne turned their heads to her.

"I'm so sorry." Elise apologised as Rahne rolled her eyes, Quànrui looking at her before laughing , Elise looked at him confused but still maintained a smile "Don't worry we've all been there, please enjoy the breakfast you deserve it Elizabeth." Quànrui said as he looked at Elise, Elise smiled. Zhang Hao sat across from Jeongeui as he looked at her intently.

"Dish up." Quànrui ordered to the servants who expertly dished up breakfast  and portioned it on everyone's plates. Rahne and Elise's mouth flung open as Jeongeui showed no emotion. Caihong and Jiyue giggling hysterically.

"Looks like this a royal break fast from heaven." Hanbin commented.

"Oh that looks so good." Mary said as she looked at the TV salivating "Elise keep posture." Mary ordered to the TV aware Elise can't hear her.

"So Elizabeth.." Quànrui began as he cut into his egg sandwich with a fork and knife. Elise having stuffed her mouth with the sandwich looking up at him swallowing quickly.

"Yes your majesty?" Elise said as Quànrui looked up at her, his piercing brown eyes looking familiar to Elise. "Tell me more about yourself." Quànrui ordered as Elise cleared his throat.

"Oh, I'm 24 years old, born and raised in Shanghai to Senegalese parents. I have a younger sister named Mary she's 12 years old. " Elise said as Mary's jaw flung open looking at the ongoing scene.

"Yeah!" Mary screamed out as she stood up breaking into dance "Prince Quànrui knows my name! Thanks Elise i won't forget you." Mary sobbed out as she fell to her knees dramatically.

"Oh really?" Quànrui said interested as Elise nodded "Yes your majesty." Elise smiled. Quànrui took a bite of a green grape before asking "What university did you graduate from?" Quànrui questioned as Rahne smirked, Elise's smile dropped.

"I.. did not get university, my family didn't have enough funds." Elise informed as Quànrui smirked "Meaning you don't have a higher education?" Quànrui questioned as Elise nodded slowly "Yes your majesty." Elise said looking down embarassed.

"What about you Rahne?" Quànrui questioned as Rahne flashed her signature smile. "Your majesty, I got a scholarship in Political science at Tshinghua University as i was the highest in my class." Rahne bragged on as Quànrui nodded impressed. Elise sighed softly.

Rahne won again.
She always does.

"Looks like Rahne is at an advantage with the Prince but only your votes at home can determine the outcome." Hanbin informed as Mary crossed her arms "Sneaky little Rahne!" Mary hissed out, grabbing her phone ready to vote.

"Tell me about yourself Rahne." Quànrui enquired leaning back into his seat, Zhang Hao looked at her in interest. Rahne smiled brightly " I am 26 years old and i work at the Senegal Embassy in Beijing, being Senegalese from my father's side, i wanted to represent him in the best way possible and i feel as if i have made him proud... from heaven." Rahne choked out as Zhang Hao looked at her sympathetically, Elise rolled her eyes.

Her uncle was alive and well.

"Jiyue, tell me more about yourself." Quànrui ordered , intentionally passing Jeongeui's turn as she looked at him slightly confused. Zhang Hao looked at her facial expressions change. Jiyue giggled and laughed in excitement so hard she had heart palpitations. Elise's eyes widened seeing Jiyue unable to breathe. Quànrui leaned back confused.

"Can we get a medic in here?" Zhang Hao enquired to the filming crew who took her away in a stretcher. Quànrui sighed as the intercom ringed.

"Contestant Jiyue has been eliminated."

"After a rather sudden medical emergency, Jiyue has been stripped off from the competition." Hanbin said as Sang Zhi nodded "We hope you get a speedy recovery Jiyue." Sang Zhi said sincerely.

"Caihong?" Quànrui asked as Caihong bowed softly "I am 23 years old and a student in Oxford university in England, i am happy for this opportunity." Caihong blurted out as Elise sighed

Even Caihong had a good university
Except her!

"Impressive." Quànrui said as Caihong bowed excitedly. Quànrui stood up suddenly as the girls scrambled up, Jeongeui standing up slowly, Zhang Hao stood up last.

"The elimination round is later tonight, get some rest and be prepared." Quànrui announced as the 5 girls bowed. Quànrui left the room along with Zhang Hao and his bodyguards. Rahne stretched her arms  before looking at Elise.

"Looks like farmer John is a better option isn't he?" Rahne stated as she walked away, Elise hissing softly before she made eye contact with Jeongeui who said nothing, walking pass her.

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