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Elise and Rahne ran in the same speed as Jeongeui seemed to be behind. "Move" Rahne grunted out as she nudged Elise by her rib, Elise winced in pain before overtaking her "No" Elise said while sticking her tongue out.

"Whoa who knew they'll be so fast?" Zhang Hao commented surprised as he sat next to Quànrui, the two exchanged smiles.

"Oh look who it is! Zhang Hao the beloved eldest son to the Prime minister Zhang Yue, he came to support his best friend in his quest for love." Hanbin said as Sang Zhi nodded "Maybe we should expect to see him more from now on." Sang Zhi stated.

"The girls have ran 1KM so far and people are slowing  down, like fan favourite Rahne." Hanbin informed as the camera panned down to Rahne who panted as her running became sloppy.

Elise's legs started to ache as her running started slowing down too, she panted heavily as she felt her speed decrease. Elise grunted, she couldn't give up now.

Quànrui's monitor panned to Elise as Zhang Hao commented "What do you think about her?" He asked directly to Quànrui who smirked "I don't know yet.. truly." Jiwoong, his security guard behind him looked ahead but at that moment glanced at Quànrui before grinning.

It seemed as if, 2KM were far away but Elise pushed on. If it meant not getting married to Farmer John, she'll have to get it her all. At that moment, her gasoline was reignited as Elise sprinted through a group of running girls making each of them tumble to the ground.

"Yes! Way the go Elise!" Mary screamed out at the TV as her parents side eyed her, Mary cleared her throat "I mean.. go win to not embarass the family name." Mary corrected as she thinned her lips.

Rahne reached the 2KM first as the clue awaited her, she grinned sprinting forward to catch the silver key on top of a rainbow colored box. As her  hand reached the box she heard a turbulence from behind.

"Ahhh!" Elise screamed as she lunged herself forward, Rahne turned around and her eyes widened. Elise tackled herself into Rahne as Rahne screamed. She now struggled on top of Rahne as she crawled over to the box.

"Get off of me!" Rahne screamed as she pinchef Elise's arm. Elise grunted, nudging her elbow into Rahne's ribcage. Rahne screamed in agony.

"Not the cat fight." Zhang Hao commented as Quànrui said nothing looking at his monitor in focus.

Being the only ones there, Rahne and Elise fought for dominance. Rahne pushed Elise off of her who went screaming as she attempted to stand up, Elise pulling her by her curls down as she stood up. Rahne looked up at her and kicked her legs pulling her down.

The two engaged in a petty fight both looking away as they hands fought each other off, Jeongeui reached the 2KM point as she panted softly, maintaining her posture.

She ran over to the point, looking at a fighting Rahne and Elise before  kicking them down with her foot. The two of them went down screaming. Jeongeui caught the ring and clutched it tightly.

"Now Jeongeui is in the lead! She is also a fan favourite." Hanbin said .

Zhang Hao squinted his eyes at the monitor before looking at Quànrui "Is that Jeongeui?" Zhang Hao asked as Quànrui nodded "Just what is she doing here?" Zhang Hao asked confused as Quànrui shrugged it off.

"Contestants you have 15 minutes remaining." The intercom rang out as Rahne and Elise both stood up. Elise hissed alarmed as Rahne fixed herself up "I'm making it to the finish line." Rahne announced as she pushed Elise before running off back to Gunwook. Elise panted tiredly holding her knees before she began jogging.

Zai Zai said nothing as she monitored the show behind the scenes, a young man named Matthew next to her who did the same thing. He looked at the clips emotionless as Zai Zai had to contain the urge to shout out encouragements to Elise.

Jeongeui smiled faintly upon seeing Gunwook in view, he had a bright smile on and waited for the key to end off the challenge. Many of the other girls gave up mid way two mostly, a petite heiress named Meow Meow and a hard stone english teacher name Luhua. The two were dragged off by security.

"Contestant Meow Meow and Contestant Luhua have been eliminated." The intercom announced as Elise's eyes widened "Damn" she stated as she ran. Rahne way ahead of her as she ran towards Gunwook as well. Jeongeui's smile grew wider. She clutched the key tightly in her hand.

"5 minutes remaining." The intercom rang out as Elise embraced the last will power she had left, Jeongeui tripped over a rock as she just let go of the key, the key went flying as Gunwook, Rahne and Elise watched the key. Jeongeui landed on her knees and looked around for the key.

Elise sprung forward as the key was going into her direction and with determination. She caught it.

"Elizabeth now has the key and is officially in the lead!" Hanbin announced.

"Yes!!" Elise screamed out in celebration as she ran up to Gunwook who held his hand out in anticipation. Jeongeui and Rahne ran up behind Elise and together pushed her back. Elise's foot went up, almost kicking Gunwook in the face. 

She released herself from their hold and dodged their attempts to get the key, Rahne tried to smack it out of her hand , slapping Jeongeui in the face once Elise crouched down in defense. Rahne gasped.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry." Rahne apologised innocently as Jeongeui held her stinging cheek in silence.

"10 seconds remaining." The intercom announced as Elise ran up to Gunwook, Rahne and Jeongeui following her as the othet girls started catching up now. She jumped and dunked the key into Gunwook's hand falling back into the girls who fell like dominos.

"Time is up, the winner of Distance is Contestant Elizabeth." The intercom announced as Elise smiled exhausted.

"Yeah!!" Mary celebrated as she stood up jumping excitedly, "Yes." Zai Zai Zai simply said secretly putting her fists up in the control room.

Elise along with the other girls stood up looking at Quànrui and Zhang Hao stand up. The girls bowed in respect.

"Elizabeth, you have won the challenge congratulations." Quànrui stated out as Elise bowed "Thank you your majesty." Elise said as Rahne rolled her eyes, Jeongeui said nothing looking ahead at Quànrui.

"This key unlocks your prize.. Gunwook." Quànrui ordered looking at Gunwook who bowed in respect "Yes your majesty." Gunwook said as he opened up a golden box, the contestants watched as it had a white paper. He gave it to Quànrui before bowing. Quànrui smirked.

"You have won breakfast with me and can nominate 4 girls to join me." Quànrui announced as the losing girls groaned in jealousy. Elise nodded proud before glitching and bowing.

"Which 4 girls will you nominate winner?" Quànrui asked as Elise looked around in debate, girls who were rude to her now flaunted their kindness. Elise furrowed her eyebrows.

"Your majesty, i believe your judgement to be correct please nomimate the girls on my behalf." Elise said before bowing as Rahne watched her disgusted.

"Bold move! Elizabeth has asked the Prince for his guidance to nominate the 4 girls joining them for breakfast." Sang Zhi said as Hanbin nodded "What game play is Elise playing indeed?"

"You wish for my judgment?" Quànrui questioned as Elise nodded "Yes your majesty." Elise answered out confidently as Quànrui nodded

"Fine, i choose Jeongeui, Rahne, Jiyue and Caihong." Quànrui said before continuing " They came behind you ." Quànrui said as Elise forced a smile bowing before looking at Rahne who winked at her.

Great just great

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