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It's early morning when I find myself in Howard's office, smiling into my cup of coffee.

I've hardly had a moment alone with Bucky since that night, but it's to be expected when we're preparing to return to the Front. In the time that Howard hasn't been focused on equipping our unit he's been helping finalise my contract, acting as my spokesperson.

"With the revisions to the contract it will ensure that at the conclusion of this war you are given a full pardon for your crimes against the United States, and immunity from any attempted extradition to the Soviet Union for your crimes against them as well," he tells me and I exhale in relief. "And as requested it will also ensure that any dependents under your care will receive citizenship, so when you get your sister back there won't be any problems there. The only clause Senator Brandt wouldn't budge on is your participation in his patriotic material, or propaganda as you like to call it. Although Steve hasn't been exempt from that either."

"As long as it's more tasteful than what it has been I won't have any arguments," I assure him, looking over at Steve's new shield and suit on the table. "Did he really ask to keep the suit?"

"He's sentimental," he says and informs me "They've asked for another one of your pin up costumes to be made with the same materials but it should only be for posters. Steve also asked for something blue for his buddy so that they'll be matching."

I smile to myself as I touch the blue uniform that will be for Bucky. "What's it made out of?"

"Carbon polymer, should withstand the average German bayonet," he informs me and I nod in approval. "You've had me working on weapons but you'll need to let me know what you want made up to wear since you guys don't have to wear standard issue."

"Thank you Howard, and in fact I did come with some designs in mind," I say and he leans over to look at the notebook I have with me. "Steve kept his showgirl outfit but I'm not as fond of mine."

"So what are you thinking of, a costume like Steve's but tailored for your measurements?"

"Almost. I want something of a similar make and fit but with as much flexibility and endurance as you can allow with the carbon polymer," I say, presenting the form fitting suit I've roughly sketched. "And as much as Brandt's going to whine I want the stars and stripes completely gone."

"Army green then?" he asks and I shake my head, turning to some colour swatches that have him raising his eyebrows.

"I want red," I decide, forcing back a smile at the double meaning to the colour. "I was thinking a muted shade that's a little less vibrant than the red on Steve's costume since it wouldn't draw anymore attention than his will, similar to the shade of Falsworths beret perhaps."

"So, the red's just a fashion choice?" he asks knowingly. "No political statement to be made?"

"Maybe I'm still a little spiteful," I admit. "And it is a statement, but if they have Steve and Bucky running around in blue then I can run around in red and still claim to be a patriot."

"That's fair," he says without judgement. "And I'll get to work on it, but I doubt it'll be ready before you fly out."

"That's alright, they'll be dropping us back in Italy to take out the nearest Hydra base there so troops can keeping moving without having to worry about those tanks. When I get back we can make any final adjustments since they should have us stationed here in London when we aren't on an active assignment per Senator Brandts request. He's clinging to his blasted USO stunts harder than I thought he would."

"Considering he's the one responsible for funding us I can't blame him, but I have something that might make you happy," he says and brings me over to another table adorned with weapons. "Your armoury, as promised."

𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒇𝒖𝒍 | 𝑩𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝑩𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now