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In my search to find Peggy to make sure she's alright I come across Howard who quickly pulls me aside, a shield in hand.

"You're gonna wish you were here when I tell you what happened," he begins, and launches into his rendition of the tale as I take in the bullet marks on the vibranium shield, and as fascinated as I am I have to cut him short.

"Yes, Steve had told me about what happened," I tell him, anxious to find Peggy. "He might have a slightly bruised face for the next day or two from me as well."

His eyebrows shoot up. "He didn't try to kiss you too did he?"

"No, and he'd get a far worse hit than that if he ever did," I say and warn "You best heed that warning as well."

"Noted," he quickly says, and I pray for both of our sakes that he actually does.

"I've already worded Steve up today about his conduct, don't make yourself the second victim," I murmur, looking about the lab but not seeing her. "Have you seen Peggy? I've been looking everywhere for her."

"Yeah, I think she might have stepped out for some fresh air," he says and I press my lips together. "I've never seen her that pissed before, and trust me when I say that I've made her pretty mad."

"I can imagine," I say and nod my head to him. "Thank you, Howard."

But just as I go to make my way back up to the top floor of the bunker to track her down I come across Lorraine in the break room, laughing with another secretary as they make coffee.

I've never been one to look down on other women for what they choose to do with their bodies, but I've always been one to take sides when someone is causing trouble and this is no exception. I've tangled with far worse girls in the Red Room than her.

"And you should have seen Agent Carter," Lorraine says and I listen carefully, standing just out of sight. "I knew she had a thing for him but you should have seen her face."

"She's just bitter because you got to him first," her friend replies, and when Lorraine laughs I know that I've found my second victim for the day.

I debate my options, knowing that Peggy would disapprove of me getting involved in any way, and for Peggy's sake I'm about to leave it be.

Until Bucky walks in.

I stand hidden with my arms crossed over my chest, watching with narrowed eyes as she approaches and runs a hand along his arm that seems to make him jump more than anything else. I watch the way he anxiously looks around before finding any excuse he can to leave, dashing back out the door before she even has the chance to introduce herself, and I make a pleased sound before deciding to involve myself.

She's going to be a problem, and I've been trained to take care of problems before they can cause harm later down the line. She's no exception.

Her friend gives a surprised exclamation at Bucky disappearing so swiftly before she leaves the room herself, and I move in now that it's only us and Lorraine.

"He's handsome isn't he?" I say, leaning against the table she stands by. "Although I thought Captain Rogers was more your type." She arches an eyebrow now as she takes me in. "But after spending so many months with him I'm quite used to girls dying to get a bite so I shouldn't be surprised."

"I can only imagine."

"Though I can't say any are successful," I remark and pretend to ponder. "Ever since I've known Steve he's only ever had eyes for one woman in particular."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," she says and I tilt my head. "He's a man, and I've never met one without a wandering eye."

"Yes, speaking of which I do recall Mr Stark telling me about the tryst the two of you had," I say and see the momentary shock that crosses her face. In truth I've never heard a single thing, but based on the balance of probabilities it was a safe bet. "I doubt the Colonel would be happy with his secretary screwing around considering how terribly it would reflect on him. After all, he would be so ashamed to find out that you were one of the WAAC's adding to all the salacious rumours of misconduct."

𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒇𝒖𝒍 | 𝑩𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝑩𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now