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𝙄 love you it's so over used

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𝙄 love you it's so over used. There are plenty of ways to tell someone you love them without using those three words.
[Name] could be seen walking with Monoma they were just talking til denki and kirishima from class 1-a pass by. As monoma mocks them and their class [Name] is doing the same backing up the words monoma says.

That is until kendo chops monoma on the back of the neck to sedate him. With you catching him before he falls. " [NAME] your supposed to keep him from making us look bad not encourage him! " she scolds you as you just shrug.

Another way is when it was hot outside and [Name] disappeared for a few minutes in between spars with class 1-b and 1-a coming back with three sodas one for monoma one for themselves and one for kendo who was watching monoma while [Name] got refreshment.

Whenever [Name] went to get something like a snack they always brought monoma something as well. Though [Name] was one of the few people who could get monoma to clam his antics down they never did Perfering to encourage his behavior much to the dismay of kendo and class 1-b.

It really was rare to see monoma with [Name] by his side and vise versa. They were a duo and stuck together like glue. Showing other their bond with even trying to it truly was a sight.

And even if they both couldn't tell the entire class, even vlad, could tell that the two were practically soulmates with an unbreakable bond that could face hard ships like no other.

Their presence was usually accompanied by laughter like a child's innocence. They could talk for hours on end and did they would talk into the late hours of the night when the sun had set and the moon was risen sometimes when old couples walked by kendo heard them say things like " I remember my first love" or "young love".

One perfect night though monoma finally realized his feelings after years of pinning without actually knowing he was pinning so as they watch the moon threw the window in monoma's room the blonde spoke up " the moon is beautiful isn't it" a way to say

' 𝘐 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 '

Without saying those three words. But when he said it [Name] was quiet, and instantly he regretted saying it knowing that if the other didn't feel the same they never go back to being that close.

But out the corner his eye he saw the other having a light blush on his face. Before he could speak though [Name] spoke first " You mean it? " he asked and monoma nodded to flustered to say anything. [Name] moved their hand to grasp the blonds and monoma squeezed their hands together.

The simple pleasures of that night , they knew, would stick with them. And so first the first time they slept in the blondes bed and held each other closely not wanting to let go.


In the morning they were the same loud classmates that the others knew but it was different but they had wanted to see how long it would take before someone found out.

It was weeks and they decided to give them a nudge- 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘷𝘦 - in the right direction. So the next time they had spars in the heat with the other class right before [Name] went to got get refreshments for the two.

[Name] gave him a kiss on the center of his mouth and walked to get the drinks leaving the others in shock even vlad and aizawa were shocked. The first to speak was a shocked kendo who yelled out " what?!? " her yell practically at the top of her lungs.

Monoma was bombarded with questions some not even from his class and by the time [Name] came back already sipping on his carbonated drink he asked " so they know now? " to which he got a "yea".

Kendo pulling [Name] by the tie and asking two questions the first one " how long?!? " answered with "a few weeks now we've been dropping hits yknow" and the second being " are you going to be more or less insufferable?".

Which got a few laughs but most knew she was dead serious "we're going to be your same insufferable pain in the rears" he grinned.


And as i said those weren't even all the way they told each they loved one another, from small kisses to hobbies, and practically worshiping the ground the other walked on.


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