Chapter 1)Hollywood Dreams

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At the bustling atmosphere of the Ambrosia Theatre Group all the stage performers were getting ready for their act on the stage. The main act writer motivating everyone to take up their positions on the stage.

Sasha and her childhood best friend Nimit were playing the main leads. It was an act based on Romeo Juliet love story. The main act writer Mr.Khanna came rushing towards Sasha and Nimit to encourage them.

Mr.Khanna:-Hey you guys. Are u ready for today?

Sasha & Nimit:-Yes sir.

Mr Khanna:-Good. Hey everyone. Guys take your positions on the stage. The act is about to start in the next 5 minutes. You guys know that Mr. David Zaslav has come to Mumbai specially to see this performance. He is the ceo of the Warner Brothers Discovery Production House. I don't want any mistake from you guys. Ok?

Everyone:-Yes Sir.

Sasha:-Don't worry sir we will give our best.

Mr.Khanna:-That's the spirit. Good now go on stage and take your positions.

Nimit:-Hey Sasha. Ready for today's act?

Sasha:-Absolutely. Let's go .

All of them positioned themselves on the stage as the act begins. Nimit wearing a classic vintage shirt and pants with a bouquet of flowers in his hands potraying the character of Romeo and Sasha wearing a flowy long dress pretending to read a book potraying the character of Juliet.

As the performance went on Mr.David Zaslav couldn't took off his eyes from Nimit and Sasha. The way they portrayed Romeo and Juliet was almost mesmerising to watch.

As the performance came to an Mr.David Zaslav stood up from his seat and clapped for their stellar performance. Sasha and Nimit were really happy after seeing the audience's reaction on their performance.

As all the actors went inside their dressing rooms Mr.Khanna arrived and congratulated all of them for their amazing performance. Suddenly a voice came back from behind. It was Mr.Khanna's manager.

Manager:-Sir Mr.David Zaslav is here he wants to meet you.

Mr.Khanna:-Oh send him in.

David Zaslav:-Hello Mr.Khanna.(he said in his American accent)

Mr.Khanna:-Hello Sir. It such a pleasure to have you here.

David Zaslav:-Oh Mr.Khanna i am glad that i watched this performance. It was so brilliant. The way the lead characters portrayed Romeo and Juliet was just so beautiful.

Mr.Khanna:-Oh thanks sir. It means a lot.

David Zaslav:-Can i meet those actors who played Romeo and Juliet?

Mr.Khanna:-Oh yes ofcourse sir. Sasha Nimit. (He called both of them)

Sasha & Nimit:-Hello Sir.

David Zaslav:-Hello dear. Your name...

Sasha:-My name is Sasha Malhotra sir.

Nimit:-And my name is Nimit Kapoor.

David Zaslav:-Well i must say you both literally ate this performance. I have watched so many live act performances in my life but this one was something special.

Sasha & Nimit:-Thank you sir.

Mr.Khanna:-Sir your kind words means a lot to us.

David Zaslav:-Well i just came here to give you guys an offer.

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